Brachystelma barberae

Smyrna, DE

I have just bought a Brachystelma barberae and I am very excited as they haven't been easy to come by. Does anyone have one and what type of soil do you have it planted in? It looks like it likes lots of sand, some manure, and perlite? Does it like part shade? When do you start watering it in the spring, I assume when there is new growth? Do you give it a little water through the winter? Thanks

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I had to look that up, Brachystelma barberae. WOW, what an interesting flower!!!! Though the flower stinks! LOL Sorry, I can't help you with personal knowledge but I did find this info
"Growing Brachystelma barberae
It is a real challenge to grow and maintain good specimens as the plants are prone to rot.

The best way to reproduce this species is by growing it from seed and the fresher the seed, the better the results. Collect seeds as soon as the mature fruit starts to burst open. The seeds can be stored for about a year in normal air. Ash from firewood can be used as an insect deterrent when seeds are stored.

Seeds germinate easily. Use a sandy medium for germinating. Cover the seeds in a seed tray with 5-7 mm of sand and treat the medium with fungicide. Keep the germinating medium damp until the seedlings are about 5 cm high. Prick out seedlings carefully so as not to damage the roots. Plant in a well-drained soil mix (4 parts fine and 4 parts coarse river sand; 1 part sieved, well-rotted compost; 1 part perlite; 1 part vermiculite).

A light, sandy soil with a little old compost is likely to give satisfactory results. This species is very sensitive to frost and a challenge to even the best growers. Ensure good drainage when the plants are actively growing and instant dryness once they go dormant. If kept wet during their rest period, they will rot at a remarkable speed and even turn into a mass of watery slime within a day or two. Do not be lavish with artificial fertilizers, be frugal with watering generally and heed the natural resting periods.

Plants are mostly grown as container subjects in collections in controlled environments, but may also be grown in rock gardens in areas where they occur naturally."

GOOD LUCK with it!.

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