Bok choy/ Pak choi not bunching

Plymouth, MA

Hello Everyone,

This is my first time growing veggies. I planted some win-win choi from Johnny's expecting tight little bunches like in the catalogue picture:

But instead my plants are spreading out their leaves as shown in the pictures. The juicy crisp stem is the best part of bok choy! What can I do to make it grow in that shape?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Thumbnail by Dulcinea_C Thumbnail by Dulcinea_C
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Patience: Win-Win is a full size pak choi. As the leaves become larger the stems thicken and it assumes more of a vase shape. It will always be pretty open tho as it is a loose leaf plant.The leaves need to get 8- 10 inches long.

Plymouth, MA

Thanks, FarmerDill- sory for the delayed reply, my computer crashed and has been in the ship for a while.

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