Advice needed on Ponytail Palm injury

Yankton, SD

The dog knocked over this guy right on its head :( Its pretty much my husband's baby and we are both a little worried about how it will grow from now. Any advice would be great. This is the damage about 2 weeks after it happened, most to all of the new leaves were snapped.

Thumbnail by VooDooU Thumbnail by VooDooU Thumbnail by VooDooU
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

The only thing you can do is give it lots of sun, don't overwater and hope for the best. It may resprout lower on the stem or come back at the top.

Yankton, SD

uggg, well its outside now and the weather is getting warmer, hopefully it snaps back. Thank you.

Yankton, SD

just wanted to update on this guy, doing great!

Thumbnail by VooDooU
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

That's awesome! Looks like it is well on the way to a full recovery.

Yankton, SD

yes indeed! We will be giving it a bigger pot in a month or two =D

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