Root Knot Nematode - Using Pots in Ground?

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Planting is just around the corner in TX and battling RKN for a few years. I don't have the space to solarize so going to put in RKN resistant plants this year & plant marigolds and turn them into the soil. I was wondering, since the worms don't travel long distances in the soil, has anyone ever tried keeping the plants in large pots and planting them in the soil? Being careful not to put any of the garden soil IN the pot. ( Like what u do with invasive mint...) I was thinking of trying that with some tomatoes and peppers. Also started the plants earlier this year so they can have a robust root system b4 planting. I've also heard that the nematode resistance in the plants roots doesn't really help in soil temps above 86... which we certainly do have in TX. Thanks for any input

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

I have bad RKN problems where I live. Container gardening helps (although I hate that these little *#$@! make it hard to plant most things in the ground like I want to do). Can I ask why you want to plant the container? For visual purposes? I guess it could work, but that is a lot of work for looks. Plus it is a lot easier for the containers to get contaminated if the tops are so close to the ground. Idk, that's my thoughts anyway. I have some "e buckets" that I use for tomatoes, and I am still looking for ways to kill these things in the ground.

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