small holes in raised garden bed

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Getting ready to plant winter veggies and noticed an infestation of Japanese beetle grubs...100's of them! EWE.
So I got some grub treatment that is good for veggie gardens and non toxic.
First I turned the soil to see if there was a critter hiding under the small holes...nothing.
I applied the treatment to the nicely leveled soil and watered well.
The next AM went to the greenhouse and yep, more small holes. It looks like a very small animal is digging from the top. Looking for grubs???
Anyway we set a couple of small mouse traps to see if we can figure out who/what is digging in the foot prints or tracks either.
I also found what looks like very very small droppings (third pic) as small as a grain of sand.
Anyone got any info?

Thumbnail by Red1776head Thumbnail by Red1776head Thumbnail by Red1776head
South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

It is definitely something digging. Probably looking for grubs or roots. What kind of critters do you have up there in Fallbrook? Mouse, squirrel, etc? Down here we have wasps that dig holes that look just like that but smaller.

Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

Squirrels know when something was freshly dug and will dig little holes like that, looking for food left behind by another squirrel or animal.

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