Nonsprouting Lotus Seeds

New Delhi, India

I filed my Lotus seeds and put them in warm water, and I am also changing the water every day. Their hard dark brown shells have come off and the inner whites are visible , but they are not sprouting. What should I do?

orangeville, Canada

It can take a while. How long have they been in the water? If they are still fresh looking, and not rotting, they could be expected to germinate still.

New Delhi, India

Thankyou GoPlantGo, my Lotus seeds have been in water for about a week, and are looking healthy enough.They are not rotting or smelling bad, but are showing no signs of sprouting. Can I do anything to expedite/ encourage their sprouting?

orangeville, Canada

Here's a great detailed article about sprouting the seeds! I imagine you have some of this information already, but it might have some more information that will help. Best wishes with your seeds. Lotus is a beautiful plant!

New Delhi, India

Thanks a lot GoPlantGo,. The article is very useful. Hopefully my seeds will sprout soon. It is also good to know that the seeds are edible. If they definitely decide not to sprout, I can cook and eat them up.

orangeville, Canada

Ha ha! Good to have a sense of humor :-)

North Babylon, NY

I am growing bowl lotus, I follow the directions meticulously from scarification to water temperature and lighting. Out of the 5 eBay venders and 3 Amazon venders stating the seeds they were selling were “bowl lotus” in reality the seeds were lilly seeds and not bowl lotus, we found this out when the seeds that did sprout grew well over 2 feet long and refused to surface, all the leaves laid on the water surface. One only one eBay vender sold seeds that are lotus but.... out of their of 30 seeds only 3 sprouted and grew. The others went to mold mush even with 3 water changes a day. My question is two parts, how commons is this bait and switch and what should the percentage to sprout and not go to mush be?

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