Does portulaca benefit from dead heading?

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

Does portulaca benefit from dead heading?

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

My experience is that it does benefit from dead heading.

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

Thanks, Brendak654,

Because of your response I decided to take the time to experiment. I'm deadheading one plot of portulaca, but not the other of the same kind.

In case anyone is looking for similar info, I'll add here that it's necessary to remove the whole seed pod, not just the top, as the seeds at the bottom will mature without the top. It makes it more tedious, what with avoiding breaking off new buds, but necessary. Will report back about the behavior of the two plots.

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

It also benefits from a little 15-30-15(or similar) liquid fertilizer now and again.

So - LAS14 How is the rose moss doing?

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

Well, I assiduously dead headed one patch and didn't dead head the other patch. They're now finally ending, and there's not much difference. If any, the non-deadheaded patch has a few more blooms left.

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

Thanks for keeping up and letting us know.

New Delhi, India

My filed Lotus seeds have been in warm water for more than a week, and their dark brown hard shell has come off, but the seeds are not sprouting. What should I do?

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

Mayarao, you have mistakenly posted your question in the thread of another question. Re-post it as its own question in ask-a-Dave's-gardener

Dansville, NY

I planted these portulacas in the well that's in my back yard this June. I quit deadheading in late July and this photo from Mid-September shows they're doing fine. If you don't want them to get too leggy though, I recommend deadheading them before that happens.

Thumbnail by Zone_5B

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