Old seeds still good?

Greenlawn, NY(Zone 7a)

I have discovered some old unopened seed packs in my basement. They are marked to be sold by October 2014. Should I even think about using them for a 2nd crop of radishes, carrots, or lettuce this fall? How do I proof them?
Perhaps the answer will be to toss them in the nearest rubbish pail.
Just wondering. Any suggestions?
Hope to learn

Camano Island, WA(Zone 8a)

Some seeds last better than other seeds and I can't remember specifics. Two years later isn't that bad. You can put some of each type of seed sandwiched in a moist paper towel or plant them in a pot, and see if any come up, or you can go for broke and plant them in the garden (using more seeds per space to counteract the fact that germination will be lower). If you get too many seeds sprouting (a nice problem to have) you can keep the strongest and cut the other ones off at ground level. This removes competition but also does not disturb the roots of the one you want to keep.

Hadley, PA(Zone 5a)

According to the following chart, radish and lettuce seeds should be good for about 5 years, carrots for about 3 years.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

You might find this past post interesting. I do.


Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Edited a duplicate.

This message was edited Aug 1, 2016 4:22 PM

Greenlawn, NY(Zone 7a)

Dear mom lady,
Thanks so much for your reply. It sounds like it is definitely worth a try. I will let you know if I have luck.
Hope to learn (Barbara)

Greenlawn, NY(Zone 7a)

Dear Audrey,
Thanks for your response. I am going to try it. Nothing really lost if it doesn't work and I'll know for the future.
Hopetolearn. (Barbara)0

Greenlawn, NY(Zone 7a)

Dear birder17,
Thanks for both responses. I have looked at the website you suggested - it is helpful.
Will post how I make out.
Hopetolearn (Barbara)

Camano Island, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, I'll be interested to know the germination rates of the different types of seeds, thanks.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Then some seeds survive even in old volcanoes- Dawn Redwood.

Greenlawn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks for all the replies.
Well, my radishes are definitely growing. My carrots and lettuce are not, but I had seed tapes for both of these products and they may not last as long that way. As I says, it is a learning experience. I think it was worth the try.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

It's nice to hear a report back on your trial. Radishes are great in salads.

Camano Island, WA(Zone 8a)

And now you have free radishes! Yum.

orangeville, Canada

Regarding your request for germination rates, here's a chart that covers a lot of seeds/plants: https://www.goplantgo.com/ArticleGerminationChart

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