Cheek by Jowl

(Zone 4b)

We call this our "Light Post Garden". I am always surprised at how many established perennials are able to fit successfully in such a small circle. The total area is about 35 square feet with obviously a lamp post in the center.

Here is a list of the mature perennials that so far get along together in this small circle:

- climbing the lamp post are two clematis ("Juuli" and "Elsa spath")

Surrounding the post are:

- a 6 foot high "Culver's Root"

- a stand of "Blue Paradise" Phlox

- a stand of "Becky" Shasta Daisy

- a "Tuff Stuff" hydrangea

and finally

- aster frikartii "monch"

(I wish I could have got higher up to be able to show you the entire circle and its contents in one shot but it wasn't possible)

Thumbnail by rouge21 Thumbnail by rouge21
Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Very nice. I don't think the pictures do the garden justice. I'd love to see a horizontal picture--maybe from a couple of sides.

(Zone 4b)

Quote from birder17 :
I'd love to see a horizontal picture

Your wish is my command ;)

Thumbnail by rouge21
Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Very Nice. I like this view better.

Looks like some sort of pink rose in the foreground?

What's the white hydrangea on the viewer's right?
Surely not the Tuff Stuff. I thought they were colored either blue, pink or purple. I think the Tuff Stuff is in front of the clematis in the center.
Does the Tuff Stuff really bloom most of the season?

Blue Paradise for me turns too purple.

Does the Becky Shasta Daisy hold up and not flop?

I've asked this on another post, but didn't find an answer. So, if you did answer, sorry for asking this again.

And last, I noticed the red in the background on the viewer's left. Is this Salva splendens (annual)? It looks really nice.

Your garden looks immaculate. Really well organized, nice and neat.

(Zone 4b)

Very Nice.

Your garden looks immaculate.

Beth, thanks so much. It is weedy but you can't tell this in this picture ;)

Looks like some sort of pink rose in the foreground?

It is what I consider to be a great rose for gardeners that don't know roses ;) ie not an "English" rose or such but rather an incredibly hardy, healthy Canadian bred rose called "Campfire". It blooms from spring till past the first frost. (I have posted a picture below taken in mid June 2016).

What's the white hydrangea on the viewer's right?

"Bobo" hydrangea. A compact bloom machine. It will be in full flower in a week or so. I liked it so much that I planted 10!

I think the Tuff Stuff is in front of the clematis in the center.

You are correct!

Does the Tuff Stuff really bloom most of the season?

This one gets too much sun. Our ps one does much better.

Blue Paradise for me turns too purple.

I understand. I find that it has different shades of purple/blue depending on the time of day! For us it is really good in terms of powdery mildew.

Does the Becky Shasta Daisy hold up and not flop?

These do stand tall for the season. I had two other stands of Becky but they have gone to flower heaven while this one has done well.

And last, I noticed the red in the background on the viewer's left. Is this Salva splendens (annual)?

Yup, you have an eagle eye ;).

I have enjoyed 'talking' with you. I am so impressed my fellow gardeners in this thread. I learn lots.

Thumbnail by rouge21
Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I have the Hybrid Teas and English roses. Although they put out great fragrance and great blooms (not now, Japanese Beetles devour them), I am starting to look for easy roses. There's one at a mailbox on our way to our home. It seems to be in bloom all of the time. I don't think they get much care, but they are always in bloom.
I looked up your rose and noted almost thornless.
Do you have to prune it very much?
It may not work in my hot, humid area, but I am considering getting some "easy" care roses. Roses are nice as they bloom for a very long season.
After the Japanese Beetles lay their eggs, I will trim up my roses and will have nice blooms again.
Hydrangeas are quite prevalent around here in the nurseries and box stores. We only have a few:
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' , two of them. Those are my absolute favorites. Big, robust, conical blooms in early summer and absolutely gorgeous fall colors. They have a nice rounded shape with no pruning. They get no care what so ever and are stunning.
Hydrangea macrophylla: We don't know the name--we don't remember planting it! Because it blooms pink and is ball shaped, it's a macrophylla. I wish I knew which one. Maybe in time, we'll figure it out as we watch it's behavior.
Hydrangea paniculata:
Pinky Winky and Limelight.
I like those also.
If we get anymore, they will be dwarfs, although I've read dwarf shrubs grow big, they just take longer.

I've looked at "Becky" Shasta Daisy but was leary of it flopping like others I have had. My brother has one that doesn't flop. I plan to get a start of his.

Your Salvia splendens looks like it's in shade. It looks so happy. I didn't think it would do that well in shade.

So, summing up, I've learned a couple of things from this post. Thanks for sharing your picture and all the information about the plants in this picture. I always learn something.

(Zone 4b)

(not now, Japanese Beetles devour them),

So far this year I haven't seen a one...knock on roses ;).

I looked up your rose and noted almost thornless.

I didn't know that.

Do you have to prune it very much?

Nope (but I do if I have too much time on my hands ;))

We only have a few: Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' , Those are my absolute favorites. Big, robust, conical blooms in early summer and absolutely gorgeous fall colors.

It does look amazing 'birder'. But just too big for our small property.

Hydrangea macrophylla:

We have tried too many times to get a macrophylla to 'work' ie flower. But the flower buds much more often than not can't make it through our winter and so all we get are a few random blooms on the new growth.

But a paniculata is fool proof in our zone. It flowers so reliably

Your Salvia splendens looks like it's in shade. It looks so happy. I didn't think it would do that well in shade.

It gets lots of afternoon sun. Last year they were amazing when I had the "Proven Winners" Tabasco salvia. But I couldn't find them this season at all and these ones are kind of just middling along, not getting much height.

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Great garden, great thread!

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes, I miss all of the people that used to be on this website. I'm glad you guys are still around. Are you on the "other" website as well? I decided to just stick with this one and hope things improve. I think they have improved some. I've heard bad things about the other website, unfriendly etc. This website has always been courteous to me and others and are helpful, and friendly. I wish there were a little more action, but I think that is improving as well. We have some new people on here that have good gardening knowledge and a few "newbies" that are hungry for garden help. Thanks for sticking around and making this a good website! Beth

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Yah I tried the other website, I generally prefer this one, but some of my local gardeners moved there so I look at the regional forum some. I think you are right, some great new folks have joined. I mess the people we lost, and I am so glad that birder17 and rouge21 are still here-such extensive knowledge and helpfulness!

(Zone 4b)

Quote from birder17 :
Thanks for sticking around and making this a good website! Beth

Thanks but I learn way more from you guys than I ever contribute.

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

That's how I feel too. Hah!

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I'm just glad we have some old friends around. And yes, I learn something almost everytime I get on this website. And, all of this for $20.00 a year with no advertising. It's worth it to me!

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Very nice "Light Post Garden" Rouge, you've got a knack for putting things together, I enjoy your work.

(Zone 4b)

Thank you Mipii.

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

Rogue - Beautiful - Beautiful! I enjoyed the small version of your garden, but I REALLY enjoyed the big picture and all the feedback that went with it.

We all learn from others - thank you.

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