Help! - Japanese Maple with Curling, Discoloured Leaves

Montreal, Canada

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well. I have a Japanese maple tree that does not seem to be doing well at all, and I can't seem to find any information on what might be wrong with it (other than "either too little water or too much") online.

Last Summer, the tree was doing well in the garden, but since I didn't want to abandon it there, I transplanted it into a good-sized SmartPot and let it hibernate in the basement. I moved last month, and I initially placed the tree in a sunny spot under a skylight in my new apartment with very little direct sunlight. At first the tree seemed to be doing great, with new leaves appearing everywhere very quickly.

However, the leaves then started to curl and developed a brittle and waxy texture, so I figured it might do better outside and moved it on the balcony. It seemed to be doing a bit better at first, the leaves turned red and felt a bit less brittle, but many very still wilting. I then started to notice a white discolouration on some of the leaves, and now I really don't know what to do.

Could it just be stress because it moved several times over the course of the past year? Or perhaps because there was no circulating air when it was inside? Could it be something with the soil conditions, or is this perhaps related to a specific disease?

Thanks so much in advance for your help, any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Thumbnail by sadmaple Thumbnail by sadmaple

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