Moonflower Blight :( Does anyone know what these little green bugs are?

Galena, OH

I have about 20 baby moonflowers that I started from seed a little over a month ago. They were all doing very well until just a day or so ago, when I noticed big holes and big black spots appearing all over their leaves. They all went downhill really fast and my best one just died :( I inspected them closely and found these tiny green insects all lined up in row on one of their stems. I tried to take a few pictures of them, but they are so small, and after searching the internet I can't figure out what they are... Does anyone know what they are or how to solve this problem? I hope that if I can act fast that I might be able to save a few that are not yet badly affected. Please help!

Thumbnail by als1988 Thumbnail by als1988 Thumbnail by als1988 Thumbnail by als1988
Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

You have aphids. They suck the juice and deform the growing tips. They secrete "honeydew" and that creates sooty mold. You can spray with an appropriate insecticide but I find nothing works better than ladybugs.
Then you will just have to wait and see if the plants are strong enough to outgrow the damage. As nice new clean leaves come in, you can pull off the old ones.

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