Plant ID

Marriottsville, MD

A friend just asked me to identify this plant in his yard, but I'm not sure! Can you help me out?

Thumbnail by cindycello
Middletown, CA(Zone 9b)

Can anyone tell me what this is? Thank you : )

Thumbnail by sandrasparrow
Zumbrota, MN

Cindycello--a close-up picture of the plant would be helpful.

Marriottsville, MD

Thanks, AmyinMN. (I grew up in Minneapolis, by the way). Here is a close up. This is in a friend's yard here in the Baltimore area, and they asked me if I knew what it was. There are a few flowers left:

Thumbnail by cindycello
Marriottsville, MD

Some kind of laurel, maybe?

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi cindy-
try posting this on the Plant Identification forum, lots of geniuses over there who don't look here. I bet they can help-now I want to know what it is too!

Marriottsville, MD

Thank you, I posted in Plant ID!

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Looks like some kind of Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius)

sandrasparrow - start a new thread for your plant to be ID'ed else it may be overlooked.

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