Heirloom peach tree propagation

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Can peach trees be rooted from cuttings?

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Considering where you are, probably. Memory tells me peaches have some strange issues at transplanting, that arent coming thru at the moment. Perhaps someone else on here has actually tried cuttings...

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

The four trees I have I dug up from under an older tree on a nice little old lady's homestead. Peaches that fell from tree the squirrels must have ate them and buried the pits. There were lots of sprouts under it.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

I would say you have a very good chance!

Fort Worth, TX

I have definitely moved peach trees out of a compost pile and into the ground years ago and had producing peaches. Don't know about the cuttings.

Center, TX

is it too late in the year to root peach trees. I have small trees coming up now.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I was just checking this out the other day. Mother Earth News has a nice article about growing stone fruit from seed. According to the article, unlike other fruits, seed grown peaches and other stone fruits come out pretty close to the parent plant. It's difficult to cut & paste from this tablet but Google "Growing peaches from seed".

It sounds like nature has done the stratification necessary to start your seeds. Sprouted seeds are not the same as cuttings. I'd not attempt transplanting until they break dormancy in early spring and there is no danger of a hard freeze.

A couple of fun facts...1. Peaches are related to almonds. That is why the seed inside the pit looks like an almond. 2. Nectarines are a fuzzless variety of peach and not a different fruit.

Fort Worth, TX

good facts. I still have potted peach trees, they have sent roots down into the ground but will be perfect for late fall transplanting, if you want one send a DM.

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