Morning Glories 2016 # 04

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

We came from here

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new thread.

Happy birthday Jackie. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Thumbnail by taters55
Gautier, MS

Happy Birthday Jackie! Have a great day! Pretty blooms Jackie.

My only bloom, a dark pink, 2 of the same blooms, not sure which came out better. Raining here.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That is a beautiful color!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Linda and Helena for the birthday wishes. I am so happy to have made it to 70 yrs young today.
Beautiful pink blooms Helena.
All from 2014

Does anyone know what the 1st pic is? Wonder if it is my Clerodendrom bungii which I have
lost all but 1 of those

This message was edited Mar 26, 2016 12:30 PM

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday to youuuuu, Jackie. Hope your day is grand! wish I knew what your plant was.

Gautier, MS

It does look like clerodendrom leaves to me Jackie. All beautiful blooms Jackie!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Debra and Helena.
I hope I have Blue Silk sds left, one of my all time favorites
My Clerodendrum looks awful. Hope I don't lose it.
Right now its 3 little leaves on a stick. :-(

This message was edited Mar 27, 2016 2:12 AM

Gautier, MS

Hope everyone has a nice holiday. It's been raining here off and on.

Hope your clerodendrum makes it Jackie. I have a different clerodendrum species that I bought last fall hoping it makes it too. I also sowed my last BS seeds mix from Azuremore, hoping I have a pink one.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Happy Easter everyone!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Helena, seems like I had Pink Silk blooms yr before last. I didn;t plant any last yr.
When you get a chance, look and see if I sent you a few of the pink. I liked the pink but
the blue is special to me.
I'm trying to sprout mucuna bean sds. Having a hard time sawing thru the seed coat.
I've got the Princess tree sds soaking and a different Clitoria I;m working on.
Still trying to pick out a few mg sds. .

Gautier, MS

Jackie, I like the blue too. I don't think you sent me any of the pink silk, but it's ok. I'm sowing so many seeds that I may get one that I called pink cross hopefully.

Years ago I tried growing mucuna vine but didn't succeed. They have beautiful blooms. I haven't got around to sowing all my salvia seeds or any tropical seeds I got this year either. Glad you are sowing yours and get yours to grow.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Helena, I don;t know how I'll do with my sds. My Fertilome potting mix seems very heavy this yr and thats what I'm starting my sds in. I have a sack of regular sd starter,
I may switch over to that before I lose some of my sds.Wish I had ordered some
Fafard potting mix and sd starter,. Might still have time,.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I hope that is a clero, Jackie, so I can see which one, I have two but don't remember their names.
my newest oleander is blooming, so pretty looks like apple blossoms.
one of my dish cactus has a bud, excited for that. Joe said he is going to dig me a tomato patch, can't wait to see "where" LOL
hope you all had a good Easter, mine was stress free, and I played in the basement most of the day. We woke up to a couple inches of snow, it was pretty , and acted as a sedative to my brain to "chill" all day . :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear you had a relaxing week end Debra. How is the remodeling coming along?

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Debra, Glad you had a good day. One problem after another here, so tiring
and stressful.
Going to pot up my Clero a size or give it some fresh potting mix in the bottom of the pot its in and see what that does.
Happy days, one of my larger Plumerias has got a cluster of buds showing, tiny
right now, I don;t see any on any of my others so I;m going to try some of the Jobe blooming fertllizer sticks to try to hurry things along.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Plumies are so pretty. What color?

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Unknown color on this one Linda, so a surprise. I had purchased a
couple several yrs ago from Lowes unmarked. Just hope its pretty,.
I think I had poured some Epsom Salts mixed with fertilizer late winter on most of the plumies. they like Fertilizer and sunshine. I;m so bad about not feeding but the salts help a lot. Nxt month I'll pour a little of the time released food if I can remember.

This message was edited Mar 28, 2016 4:49 PM

Gautier, MS

Plumies do have pretty blooms. Will be nice to see the blooms on yours Jackie.

Watered my mgs yesterday and saw that one chocolate silk had bloomed and I missed seeing it in the morning. Still don't know how many vines I have, many will be of the same color.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Helena, will be a joy to see your blooms even if they're the same color.
I have Mina Lobatas up. I haven't had time to plant any others.
I want to fill more 8 oz cups with seed starter mix and start some mg's in that.
instead of the Fertilome. They've chaNGed the
formula and now it might not be good for sd starting.
Mauve Splash last yr

Thumbnail by patootie
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I Love my one and only plumeria.. I gave a Y'd cutting to my gardening buddy at work.. he is anxious to see it bloom. Mine is just now waking up.. it is already out on the front porch getting used to morning sunlight. I have been bringing up the things without eaves to wake them up, the oleander bush got leaf burn right off the bat from the sun, I am just going to let them blow off.. it will be okay even if it drops to 32 because of the heat from the buckets and pots they are in , it was up in the 80's today. I have Black King up, and my moon flower has been blooming it's little head off downstairs, I have two of them going. The new orchera seeds popped up.. here is hoping I see blooms from those.. I also have two setosas blooming.. so nice to see blooms Sunday. I have been feeding everything now.. and spraying for mites and mealey bugs.. don't want anything loose outside.. Joe moved the second arch Tuesday.. the whole back yard patio area is so .... weird right now..
my fence flower beds are all waking up fast.. this is my buck eye, and virginia bluebells and the flowering almond I got from a cutting I snuck home from Joe's mom's plant.. my bleeding heart, and my violets.. all the daffodils are done now, the tulips are coming along nicely and I have buds on my iris already. I CAN"T wait to be off this weekend! Got the porcelain berry vine back at the base of the patio arbor, so glad, had to move the yellow rose bush, hope I didn't kill it.. it got ran over by a big thing that came thru the gate.. my salvia gaurantia got here today, I'll plant it this weekend.. Joe brought me home 6 huge green tubs to put the potatoes in as well as my glories with a trellis, he has to go back to the pot trellis's tho.

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oh yeal this is the morning glory thread, sorry.. you can see what a quandary I am in,,, mud everywhere off the patio..:P I HATE IT so glad I have my basement to give me something to do as I wait for grass to grow or what ever he is going to do ..I am filling all those pots with plants and perennials and glory's with tomato cages. LOL He did say he was going to dig me a tomato patch, I just don't see where, and need to change my attitude..sunflowers are popping up all over that dirt clay area LOL
Love mina lobata, I have some up, too.. now where is my pandy>? I keep waiting for it to pop up in the clay somewhere and told Joe we only got a piece of it when he dug it out.. I sure hope it isn't under the patio, maybe the thing will find a way to get to the edge and pop up?

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

comparison pics last year.. here is where my pandy WAS.. all the four o clocks, lillys, blanket flower, cannas...everything is gone... in the garage, in bags of dirt.. waiting for homes. I am just lost.. I don't even know where to look for my pandy, because the patio is not where it was.. *sigh* not even dirt by the door so I can plant anything.

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Debra, I never did understand why you and Joe had to redo the yard. I thought
it was lovely the way it was
You could have blooms on your ochracea by fall.
Debra pandy can find its way out from under anything. My tuber is sending runners out 8 feet from the original planting site
Great pics and I
love your virginia bluebells and buckeye

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Looks like a lot of work has been done, and more to come. Don't worry, you will have your plants growing in no time!

Gautier, MS

Your plants looks great Debra, our patio does too. I'm sure you will get your plants growing in no time. Sometimes you have to do a little at a time, a section at a time.

I noticed my red abutilon had a bloom. A bloom from yesterdays chocolate and the blue mg this morning.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful red abutilon Helena. One of my favorites.
Very pretty Morning glories too.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I have some mini turks caps seeds, is that an abutilon? I just adore those things, my sis in law up in buffalo has a plant it is really old she brings it in every fall. Yours is so pretty, and you know I love the morning glory's. Thanks for all the support, it is not easy anymore to get things done, but I will make it happen I am sure. All the work is done on the inside of that wall downstairs, we are not re-finishing it , it is used for storage back there. At least when we get the earthquakes, like we had the other night, I don't worry much now about me falling in. the ibeams are nice a sturdy there. they said no planting within 6 ft of the foundation, but as I told Joe last night, I'll be dead and dust in the wind in 30 years so what the heck.. it took 30 years for us to make that wall challenged by the gardens, I figure it will take 30 more to challenge those ibeams. I told him I'm planting stuff whether we are supposed to or not. he just sighs and says "what ever makes you happy, dear." LOL
I'm still trying to figure out where to watch for Pandy, tho..

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Helen, those are all beautiful by.

Debra, I didn't know you had earthquakes up there.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Debra, lol at Joes response.
Turks cap is not an abutilon but it is in the malvacea family as is
abutilon and hibiscus. Okra is in this family too.

I didn't know you had earthquakes in Kansas either.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

well, we have been having earthquakes here for about 6 years from the fracking in southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma. I'll sit at my desk and Joe in his recliner and then all of a sudden we are both yelling earthquake! as we both rock back and forth from the floor. One night it shook our bed so hard things were falling off the shelf as we both woke up yelling earthquake! At work it has been so bad the customers have all come running out of the lounge yelling earthquake, and there are thousands of people now in a class action suit for damages to business buildings and homes. I am keeping track of our inside cracks with a pencil and dating them. I'll get the walls re-done eventually as a result of those quakes.You'd think we were in California, ToTo.
oleander, mgs in basement

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

People in Texas are claiming the earthquakes are from the fracking too. We have never felt one here.

Beautiful flowers Debra.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Same here Linda but small earthquakes happen all the time.
Debra, your Oleander is drop dead gorgeous. Pretty mg's too
My Wisteria that's been planted out front for 11 or 12 yrs finally has blooms.
Just a few but we had decided it was never going to bloom. A nice surprise.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Quote from patootie :
Same here Linda but small earthquakes happen all the time.
Debra, your Oleander is drop dead gorgeous. Pretty mg's too
My Wisteria that's been planted out front for 11 or 12 yrs finally has blooms.
Just a few but we had decided it was never going to bloom. A nice surprise.


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Just keep waiting Debra. I can't remember if I fed mine last summer but kinda think
I did give it a little fert with some epson salts mixed in. I had used most of it on my plumies and had just a little bit left so its possible I poured it on the wisteria. Glad We didn't
dig ours up. :-)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Well that gives me hope that mine will bloom too. I have had mine 5 years and no blooms yet.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Linda, I don;t know why its taking so long. The type of cutting they used to
start our vines, a side shoot perhaps. Don't give up on yours either.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

OH! so excited, some of the seeds from Jackie are vining!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thats wonderful Debra. Hope it wont be long b4 they bloom.
.I did finally get 8 or 9
mg's started.

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi joeswife, how early do you sow your Morning glories in the basement ? Every year I sow them Febuary and when I put them outside in the ground they begin to bloom in about August . It's amazing to see you have blooms already.I love the oleander and never though of growing them , because I grew up with them in the Caribbean and did not think that I could overwinter them .You have given me a great idea and I will see if I can find a plant at the garden center. The flowers are beautiful. Do not be frustrated you will get your garden back in shape soon , tackle a little at a time and it will be up and beautiful again.

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