Live or Dead

Oildale, CA

About five years ago I planted a Bay Laurel tree in my front yard to provide shade from the afternoon sun in summer, I reside in Central California, and at first it seemed as though it was growing great, and as the water situation worsened here, I was forced to water every other day, only in early morning and late afternoons, and now the leaves are all turning light green to yellow, and it is not putting out any new growth. Is It still a viable tree?

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Have you fertilized it?

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

Bay Laurel is native to the Mediterranean region. Oildale seems like a perfect match. The humidity might be lower but, if this tree has been doing great until now, I suspect another problem, not the water situation. Watering a Bay Laurel every other day seems excessive.

How is El Nino treating you? You are on the south side of the line so should be receiving more than average rainfall.

Can you post some photos?


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)


Oildale, CA

Yes, I have fertilized with Orthogrow, manure, and Tree Soil, and none of these have any effect.
El Nino effect is a fantasy constructed by NOAA, to distract the populace from their total failure to make an even ballpark prediction of the weather.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I have 2 of these plants and after they get established they should not need to be watered that often. It could be a pest or disease issue. Pics would really help.

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