Help identifying what creates "dirt tube" around branches

Bostonia, CA

I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this question. I was out hiking and saw that some plants had a dirt tube-like layer around some of their branches. Please see the photos of what I am talking about. What creates this?

Thumbnail by jenna828 Thumbnail by jenna828
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

That is really interesting!

Are any of those mud things an empty tube? Or are they all packed around twigs?
There are several insects that make hollow tubes out of mud, and might attach them to branches. So some of the mud is wrapped around branches, but most are hollow tubes, with eggs, larvae and some food for the baby wasp or other insect.

Are the branches still alive? Looks like several of the mud covered branches have green leaves- I might think termites could do this, while feeding on the woody branches. I don't think the branches would stay alive, though.

Sure looks like the mud is actually around branches.

Can you spend some time there, see if any insects come out?
Are there any entrance or exit holes?

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