Bush Clover (Little Volcano) Question

Dunnellon, FL

I'm living in the Ocala area, and as some of you might know this part of the state seems to get quite a bit colder than the rest of the state... My question is this:

What is your experience with this plant? And will it die back in Florida when we get a frost.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

I had this plant, it does die back if we get frost but it comes back quickly in spring. I had it for several years but this year I pulled it out. It was spreading all over my garden and taking over other plants. Mine was in a shady spot and it looked pretty when it got flowers, twice a year, spring and fall. The flowering stage is very short lived, like two weeks and then it is just weedy looking.

Put it where you don't mind it spreading out some, because it will. Mine was in a pretty shady spot, with morning and late afternoon sun.

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