
Vandalia, OH

I want o plant crocus bulbs this spring, but want the large bloom type, any suggestions type of bulb to plant? I have researched it, but am confused

Calgary, AB(Zone 3b)

You'll need to buy and plant them this fall in order to have them bloom in spring. Look for those labelled as "Dutch" crocus. Some cultivars are 'Pickwick', 'Yellow Mammoth', 'Remembrance'.

The small-flowered crocus are referred to as "snow crocus".

Vandalia, OH

thank you

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

I also prefer the large-flowered types.

If I'm purchasing from a mail order nursery, (My favorite is Brent & Becky's Bulbs - a DG Top 5), I order the "Vernus" types either individual colors or mixed. Also, a large-flowered yellow crocus that's usually added to the Vernus mix is Flavus 'Golden Yellow". It's about the same size, but it starts blooming slightly earlier than the Vernus.

I've added a link to Brent & Becky's Crocus page. If you scroll down towards the end of the spring-blooming Crocus you'll see the Vernus types. Part of the way down is the Flavus 'Golden Yellow'.

You don't need to order mail order and, in fact, it might be easier this late in the season to buy from stores since just about everyone has bulbs now. But this info might be useful for the future.

Tommasinianus is also a fairly large type, but not as large as Vernus.

Vandalia, OH

thank you nutsaboutnature!

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Your welcome!

I noticed that Brent & Becky's current catalog doesn't say much about the different crocus sizes. They used to explain the sizes (unless it's on a different page now).

BTW, even though bulb foliage should be allowed to die naturally, my crocus are on our lawn and rarely die back before we need to mow the grass. So far it hasn't affected them one bit. They come back every year and are even slowly increasing!

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