Drimia? Drimiopsis? Ledebouria?

Scott Bar, CA(Zone 6a)

I have again managed to confuse myself--No real surprise there! When I aquired this plant it was solidly identified as Drimia maculata. Now it seems to be more commonly identified as Drimiopsis maculata. One site I found says it has been renamed Ledebouria petiolata. Any enlightenment?

I have several, all clones of my original and may be all green to spotted depending on amount of sun. They don't seem to mind full sun to shade.


Thumbnail by rockminer Thumbnail by rockminer
Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

According to http://www.theplantlist.org, the accepted name is Drimiopsis maculata.



Scott Bar, CA(Zone 6a)

Daisy, That is an interesting site. Thanks for sharing it with me. Sigh--More record changes and labels! Their statistics on accepted names is pretty low but then botanical taxonomy in general appears rather chaotic right now.


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