Anthracnose or Septoria Leaf Spot?

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

This is a leaf from a yellow twig dogwood. The plant is about 7' tall, and appears to have never (or rarely) been cut back. I didn't get a pic of the entire shrub (but can, if necessary). Foliage is very thin throughout the entire plant. Branches look unaffected. Spots do go through the leaf, to the underside.

Thumbnail by Eggs_Zachtly Thumbnail by Eggs_Zachtly
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hey Zach, give this link a look. From reading around the web, the gold/yellow twig variety seem to be a bit more susceptible to leaf spot and mildew.

Hurst, TX(Zone 7b)

If this was a hydrangea, I would have said that it has a Cercospora Leaf Spot Fungal Infection.

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

I narrowed it down to Anthracnose. It was in too rough of shape to worry about, and not in an ideal location. I just removed it. Thanks!

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