What is causing this?

Johnson City, TN

My purple cone flowers have strange growths on top of their centers. I've never had this before and it started happening after the flower leaves started dropping and the centers turned to seeds.

What is it and how do I get rid of it?

I have Columbines, Foxglove, Pigs Squeek, and Hostas growing in the same bed.

Thumbnail by Wrenie42 Thumbnail by Wrenie42
Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I had the same problem this year, first time. My Co. Agent says part of the problem is lots of rain which we had more than usual this season. I was told it is rather harmless.
I pulled mine out. I didn't want to take chances.
It's called Yellow aster and/or eriophyid mite. Since it's a possible mite problem, I wanted to get rid of them for fear of spreading. I had some in the front of my house and in the back of my house.
I posted my coneflowers on the Perennials website under the thread called "Coneflowers".

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