Stinky Plant Alert

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

OK Florida Gardeners, I confess. I follow the blooming of Amorphophallus titanum, the Titan Arum, Giant Corpse Flower or Giant Stinky Plant wherever it might happen.
This is an alert for all of you on line garden tourists. The Denver Botanic Garden has a Titan Arum about to bloom and has a Stinky Plant Cam on it 24/7. The growth is slowing and they are expecting it to bloom by this Sunday, more or less, August 16. You can go to their website to get a look.

I saw the one they had blooming at Rollins College in Winter Park, FL earlier this year. One day I will get to one that is just blooming so I can say I inhaled the ghastly fragrance.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

I have the small version and there was no smell. Looked like a brain when it bloomed. Really different. I got lots of comments on it.
Now it has grown a large stalk and another plant coming from the side. It's about 7 feet but was told it would die back into the ground. I have it in a large nursery pot so I had better get it into the ground before winter.

Very interesting aren't they.

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

There are only certain members of the genus that are stinky like this. And the giant one releases the scent and it diffuses rapidly. if you go to see it some hours after the release, you won't smell much of anything. Unless you are a scavenger kind of fly that pollinates it. That's what happened at Rollins.

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

It's 12:26 am EDT and the Denver Stinky Plant has not bloomed yet though it dropped its last sepal yesterday morning sometime early. Keeping on with the watch. Maybe today!

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