Yardening August 2015

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita, HD sells a corn gluten spray called "Green It": http://www.homedepot.com/p/Green-It-64-oz-Ready-to-Spray-Liquid-Corn-Gluten-Weed-Preventer-4002710/203148546
It is very easy to use, and I've read that it works better than the granules.
I have been using corn gluten to prevent weeds and I think it certainly helps, as do keeping grass healthy and 3" tall.

VV, thanks for pointing out that article, which I somehow missed even though I look for Adrian Higgins' articles every week, including last week. I'm game for meeting up there to check out the place. When are you next passing through our area?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Likely around time of HSA meeting in Hunt Valley - late October.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Interesting article.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I know my grass is healthy--and i have always mowed it to 3" and allowed
the clippings to fall back on the lawn--also forever...

SO--this liquis Corn Gluten should be used in the spring? Not now?
OUCH!--on the price---$22.

I will see if we still have it. Might be better if I just wait until spring.


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I came across this article the other day and was going to post it, but VV beat me to it!

The article says only a small part of the master plan has been completed. It might be fun to check it out now and revisit it in a few years, and again in the 2020s when it's finally completed.

I can't believe I just typed the year 2020. It feels like a futuristic date from a sci-fi movie, but it's right around the corner.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

"In the year 2525..."

Frederick, MD

"if Man is still alive"

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

If woman can survive

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

They may find

Frederick, MD

They may find, in the year 3535

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

July 1969, Boulder Colorado, Neil Armstrong on the moon.....thanks for the flashback.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I am humming the tune----Not sure where that memory came from???

1969???? I was taking care of two babies---sewing them all their clothes---
living in a 2nd floor apartment---NOT working--DH took care of everything....

It was a good start. G.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

In 1969 I was (-)14, my Mom was in 8th grade, and my Dad was probably in Vietnam.

Is everyone else getting 0.00000000000 rain? My 10 day forecast is 50% chance today, 60% tomorrow, and 0% for the next 8 days after that.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh, it took me a second to absorb the (-)...I was at a cabin on the Rappahannock RIver in Virginia with family, one summer of a moon landing.

Ground is bone dry here

Frederick, MD

Got just a very light rain last evening, enough to give my potted plants some water but no help at all for the lawn. This evening, 60% chance. Tomorrow, 80% chance.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

In the past 24 hours got just enough rain to "fog" the bottom of our rain gauge, still no more than about 0.03 inch total all this month.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Where was I? Central Park!
Living NYC,finishing up Grad school, looking forward to Woodstock and auditions for the cast of 'Hair'. ("Frank Mills" was my song) Let The Sun Shine In and make love not war.

Wonder if I set up giant TV screens and broadcast continuous loop of rain fall that I could convince my yard that it had been watered?

Thumbnail by coleup Thumbnail by coleup Thumbnail by coleup
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Graduated from HS in 69....

I was out walking around this morning. One of my Gingers is going to bloom, so excited but I doubt I will get to see it bloom and it will probably be gone by the time I get home.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Haha Coleup, a continuous loop of rain sound would be a great idea.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


we still have some of those upright Gingers at the HD. .....
I looked on the tag--and it said they are hardy to 10*. I did not know that!


Right across from Richardson Farms--just down Vincent Farm lane.

Dropped by there to see if there were any mums in bloom. Nope! Too early.

BUT--OH. my God!!!---I walked in on the sale of all sales!

They still have so many annuals and perennials--big sized plants--in 5" pots.
Great assortment! I came home with a pile of plants--as if I needed them....

Tables outside full of perennials--the length of the GH--ALL $2 each.
Piles and piles of both on the floor inside the GH.

All annuals in 5" pots--$1
Gorgeous, big Gerbera daisies---$1
Big, full plants of B&B Salvias--$1.
Huge, bright yellow Gloriosa Daisies, perennial .. $4. Gorgeous HB's--$5.

If any of you want to carpool to this place and get a bunch of flowers--it would
be well worth it. It is only about 3 miles from my house. Don't miss this!



Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Mine are in pots, I let them go dormant during the winter and bring them outside and start watering them come Spring.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

As much as I really don't want to (I'm watering my own garden right now), I will perform the ultimate "rain dance" in the hope that the entire MidAt gets just the right amount of rain: I will walk down the block with buckets in hand, haul water from the creek, and water things I planted on its banks that might not last another day without moisture. If THAT doesn't make it rain tonight, I don't know what will.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hahaha! thanks Muddy!
delightful breeze out here tonight, all blue skies

Frederick, MD

I'm watering the lawn tonight so I'm doing my part to bring the rain too, Muddy.

The rest of you... step it up !

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I watered last night, and more pots to water tonight. The dry breeze dries out those potted plants.

Frederick, MD

Yeah, the potted plants need watered nearly every day during these terrible hot spells.

I see they just increased our chances of rain to 60% tonight, 80% tomorrow and 100% tomorrow night. Cool.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I ended up watering most of the tables at work today, as the guy that was
assigned to do it--called out. Good old Gita to step in and do it.
I only worked 4 hours today--so not much time...

Then--I came home and hand-watered all of my garden and all the containers...
Now--it HAS TO rain!!!

Amazing what one can learn from Customers......
I just had half a table left to water when this woman got a hold of me...:o/
She wanted to price out bales pf Peat Moss and some soils for some
kind of charity project.

We started yakking--and turns out she is quite the natives gardener--so I told her about DG.
Told her we had a slew of people here that are really INTO organic and native gardening.
She was going on and on--as the clock was already past my punching out time.

The most interesting thing I learned was that--right here, on Joppa Rd. maybe less then 2mi,
from me is a native plants garden shop. It is ONLY open twice A year. Spring--and Fall.
There is NO shop--nothing advertised--but people know where it is
when they see the green Obelisk.

I take Joppa Rd, home many times--and I have seen this weird, greenish obelisk on the
lawn near the road. I always wandered what that was for??? Now I know.

Joppa Rd is an old Indian trail--as are many other roads in this area.
Perry hall has a lot of history. Like--On Belair rd., just to the right of Ebenezer rd. (my street)
used to be a building called the half-way rest stop.
In the horse and buggy days, this was a rest stop for those traveling to Philadelphia
on the dirt road that is now Belair rd.--Rt. #1.
Change the horses--feed and water them--sleep over, etc..

Of course--several years ago they tore down this 100+ year old historic building
and put a KY Fried Chicken in it's place. Shame on them!

Next time I go Joppa rd, to Chapel Hill Nursery--I will take my camera with me.

I KNOW this is not the last time i will see this woman--she was very "intense" about all this
native stuff--master gardeners--etc.

I told her I have quite the seed collection--so she may even come by to look.
And--I hope she goes home with bags-full of seeds....


Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Interesting, Gita! Here's their site: http://www.americannativeplants.com/plants/
and catalog http://www.americannativeplants.com/wp-content/themes/ANP/assets/ANP-catalog%202015-web.pdf

This message was edited Aug 19, 2015 7:09 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Muddy---You are amazing!!!! Tracking down this site from the fractured info
I gave you. It is quite a business......Did they give the weekends they are open
for business? I did not read the whole thing in the link. That would take me 3 hours....

IF you ever plan to come to this place--I will gladly put you up for the night--just for fun.
I have room and I have beds--and 3 bathrooms.....

And--as I said--it is about 2 miles from my house.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

It was very easy - I just typed "joppa road maryland native plants" in my search bar and hit enter! Whatever did we do without Google?!

Their site says:

Saturday September 19 and Saturday October 3 from 8 am to 4 pm


4812 E. Joppa Rd.
Perry Hall, MD 21128

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Man that is some list of plants.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

We got .2" last night from a surprise storm. Hopefully we get more than that today.

Frederick, MD

I got just over one inch. More coming today, looks like a pretty sure thing.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Brag brag brag....

Frederick, MD

LOL... Nah, bragging is bad karma and I wouldn't get any rain for 3 months.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

I hear it's double for the second offence.

1/2 inch back yard and 1 1/2 inches front yard not all streets on my paper route were equally wetted either is that one of the meanings of scattered showers? Ionce walked home from a friend's house in the rain as a kid. The path through the back yards was dry, but if I held out my left arm it would be rained on! Reminds me of the 'short rain' and the 'long rain' out in the Southwest desert, 'Short rain' was rain you could see falling but it all evaporated before it reached the ground.

Report this am on Calif drought. Some areas of Calif Central Valley are subsiding (sinking) 2 inches per month due to all of the ground water being pumped out

While in Vermont I enjoyed several classic summer afternoon cloudburst showers (plenty of rain, short duration. no lightning) getting soaked and splashed with my grandsons. Mirthful!

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Yikes, I bet all that sinking isn't doing favors for foundations out there.

Frederick, MD

Central PA is getting a nice, soaking rain right now. Moving mostly north.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here--it is trying to rain...more like a drizzle.... a breeze blowing now and then....
Hot (87*) and muggy....

Just enough to mess up my plans to do some garden chores.
Ahem---excuse NOT to....:o)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Cam, there was an item on the news that said part of the valley had sunk 10', due to the deplentished aquifer from deep well pumping. They even showed a bridge that would be underwater during a rainfall because the pilings had sunk so far. It's almost like Mexico city in reverse.
We are receiving substantial rainfall now, too fast for the dry ground to suck it up. It will defiantly help, but we were sooooo dry again I had started soaking older plantings.

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