
Roslyn, United States

I have 3 giant potted dipladenias/mandevilla in red with the same soil, same location and conditions. One of them has started wilting and all the leaves are turning yellow. What is it?? I cant afford to loose this plant as I have a perfect symmetrical garden. Help!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Did you re-pot it? If yes-perhaps a little too deep?

You may want to check if the plant is under too much soil.
If so--remove some of the soil until you reach the original level it grew at.

Only thing that comes to my mind. Send some pictures....


Roslyn, United States

No it's not deep at all. it's been there for a month and a half. And it was planted in at the same surface the pot was in. Maybe it should be fertilized?

Thumbnail by joelcoqui
Roslyn, United States

Come on folks.. somebody has to know what to do. It looks like my second one which is about 20 feet away is starting to go as well.

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

Are you over-watering? They like to be on the dry side and should be grown in fast draining soil - nothing that holds the water around the roots.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am just going to say that---just because a plant's older, lower leaves are
yellowing does not, necessarily, mean it is "going".
You can pick off the yellow leaves and dispose of them.
I don't know about NV--but we have had a hellishly HOT summer so far.
Not that kind to plants and flowers when the temp is near 100*.

It looks like the yellowing leaves are just on the bottom part of the plant.
It is hard to see as the picture is sideways,,,,there are ways to rotate
a picture taken by a phone. What happened to cameras????

Sometimes, just letting things be is the best way to deal with little set-backs.
That is what i would do. Of course--keep an eye on it and see how it is doing.


Roslyn, United States

Its all wilting and yellowing. I will try to get pic right side up.

Roslyn, United States


Thumbnail by joelcoqui Thumbnail by joelcoqui Thumbnail by joelcoqui
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

It does look bad! I have NO idea what may be wrong. Sorry!
Odd that the upper part of it looks pretty good....


Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

When leaves turn brown and curl like that, its usually a sign of insufficient water. Stick your finger down into the soil of the pot. If you can feel moisture an inch down, the plant is getting enough water. If you can't feel any moisture, it needs water. It could be that your hot weather has allowed the soil to get too dry. Most potting mixes, once they are dry, won't absorb water. Water your plants as you normally do and re-test for soil moisture.

If the soil is still dry as a bone, the only option is to re-pot or find a basin big enough to submerge the pot until the soil re-hydrates. If the soil is damp, you may not be watering enough. Although Mandevilla hate wet feet, dry feet aren't too good for it either. But, too much water will kill them faster than not enough.


Roslyn, United States

Thank you. I was told too much water too. Dont know which way to go.

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

I suggested in an earlier post that you might be over-watering. But your photos clearly indicate under-watering. When the leaves turn brown and curl, its a sign of under-watering. Do the moisture tests I explained above.


Roslyn, United States

Nope. It gets fully watered every other day unless it gets very hot. The other plant in the same area is blooming profusely

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

Did you stick your finger into the soil? Watering every other day still doesn't guarantee enough water if the soil is not absorbing the moisture.

Roslyn, United States

It is dried out dead now. the others are fine and healthy.

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