Sun room in south florida

Englewood, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, I wrote this in greenhouses as well, but I figured that since I have Florida specific questions, I ought to ask here about sunrooms too.
I would like to create a space smack in the garden, for my orchids and medinillas and a few other tropical plants I like to have around me. But, I also would like to be able to relax in there, and enjoy the sky in the midst of shrubs and trees. Even in the raining season.
That led to the conclusion that what I am looking for is a sunroom, which I believe to be the American orangerie (but hey, correct me if I am wrong. There are so many names out there for the same type of product, it gets confusing easily)
I worry about the heat in an all glass room, full south without any mature shade trees. Also wonder if it would take away a lot of sun(even when it is a mostly glass construction), as the pool would be sandwiched between the house and the sunroom.
And where do I start inquiring about prices, which companies are realiable in south Florida ... If anyone would like to share their experiences, thoughts about the cons and pros, I would gratefully listen and learn.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

While I myself don't have a sun room, I know some one who had something like that built for their orchids and it is under the canopy of oaks. On her room the top glass would crank open to allow some air flow and she had fans inside. It was quite hot when I walked in it, even with the overhead broken shade from the trees.
I thing what you need is a shade house if you have no trees. Here is a couple links. Just do a Google for Florida shade house orchids, you'll find lots of ideas.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

I showed my husband this one, he said it wouldn't be too expensive to build with lattice.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

That looks great and would be good for your orchids.

Englewood, FL(Zone 10a)

That does look very good. I'll be needing help though, and most of my neighbours are back to the north.
Thank you for the links.
The fact that it gets so hot has me worried.

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