Lowe's markdown rack

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I have been out hunting at my local Lowe's in Oviedo. I have been pretty successful the last few weeks at getting markdown plants from their rack in the back of the nursery section. Last week I scored enough little succulents to make up three dish gardens including Aloinopsis, Crassula arborescens, Crassula platyphylla, a Cotyledon ladismithensis, and Sedum adolphii. Several were individual plants in 2" pots @2.98 ea original price and I paid 1.00 each and the C. platyphylla and S. adolphii were in little 4 packs also for 1.00. Some had a few bruised leaves, but on the whole, they were in pretty good shape.
Tonight I scored some 8" gazania 3.00 ea, an aloe that was starting to bloom {not sure why this was marked down to 3 bucks, but who am I to argue with Lowe's} and most of a half flat of cute pink zinnias, about 4 of the plants in this flat were either dead or gone but the rest were in great condition and will go into a metal and cocoa mat planter that I bought at a yard sale today. Sadly, in order to find something else to fill out this planter I bought 3 perennials and {gasp!} paid full price, though they were three for 10.00 on sale.
The pair of big salmon colored geraniums have been gracing my front door since the beginning of March. 8.00 for both. Two verbena that I bought about a month ago were not so lucky. One is doing well but the other croaked. Overall, I think this shopping has been a success.
Has anyone else here had success mining the Lowe's markdown rack? I used to get good stuff at the Lowe's in MA too but not at the end of February like I did here.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I have had good luck from the distressed rack often. I pick only the ones that are not dead and just take them home and get them un-rootbound, plant them and water frequently for the first few days.

I am particularly pleased with myself when I get them for 50 cent each and get them to survive.

My last gazanias I paid full tilt for, but they love my hot sand here and give me color all summer. Sometimes they come back next year.

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

These gazanias had nothing wrong with them that the good deadheading I gave them this morning won't fix. I am planting them in containers but I have to get some more potting soil. I ran out. Tomorrow.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Martha, I've found some wonderful plants on the markdown at that particular Lowe's in Oviedo. It can be hit or miss, but weekdays towards the end of the week are the best. I also believe if someone brings a plant back, they put it on the markdown shelves. I say that because I've seen some beautiful plants at reduced price and yet they're still out in the garden center at full price. I got two beautiful knock out roses that way once.

I attached a photo of a pot full of .50 cent markdown plants I bought back in early April. They've all quadrupled in size now. The pink periwinkles really have surprised me. I'm getting seeds on the marigold and spreading them around the garden to other pots. What a deal.

Thumbnail by sunkissed
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Those look great Sunkissed, you did great on reviving them. They are flourishing

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