pepper growing advice needed.

Elkhart, IA

Every year I plant out pepper plants of all types and varieties and every year I get one or two passable peppers. What am I doing wrong? is there a secret to growing sweet peppers? If so, please share them with me. HELP!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Stick them in the ground, come back in a few months & pick peppers.
Ours go in the ground end of May. Don't plant early!

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

Try this site from Cornell U. on how to grow peppers or just google "growing peppers". They're not that hard. I started my seeds about 7-8 weeks ago and won't plant out seedlings for another two weeks.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

If the plants appear healthy but just aren't productive I would suspect that there is too much Nitrogen in the soil. I would try a fertilizer with more phosphorous (the middle number). This should promote more flowers and fruit set,

Oceanside, CA(Zone 10a)

What varieties are you growing? There are dozens of good, productive sweet peepers that grow well everywhere.

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