March, 2015 in like a Polar Bear!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Genna, glad you found milkweed. I looked all over the place last year and never found any. I guess too many people think it's invasive and don't sell it.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Careful with purchased asclepias, some of them have been drenched in bug killers, the plants. Seed are sometimes hard to germinate... just wavin hi and sympathizin with all the days frustrations and day to day. :)

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Thanks, kitt! I almost bought some seeds. Glad I didn't. It might have been a total waste of time and money from the sound of it.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

In Ala the curassivica grow easiest- or should! I have some I have to try and haven't yet...

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri those are neat tomatoes. I have bought a small cherry type tomato that I really love and it doesn't cascade like yours but it is extremely prolific and produces more tomatoes than I can eat. My mine is blank right now as far as the name but they are a yellow color when ripe and very sweet and flavorful. They are also smaller than the red cherry tomatoes. I'm going to try to find them again this year.

So much to do I'm not sure where to start! My house is a wreck! So it's got to get toward the top of the list. Stuff is coming up like crazy in the yard. I have lots of things I need to move around but I need to wait until the hostas all come up before I start moving anything. Loretta gave me a really unusual woodland plant and again I can't think of the name of it. But I planted it where I would remember where it is and my hostas must have already gone dormant because I notice a hosta coming up right next to it!

Genna I think I've mentioned it before but I was actually in two movies and it was really interesting to learn how it all works. I was in "End of the Line" and "Siege". In End of the Line
Iactually had a close up part. I'm in the very opening of the movie. It took an entire day to film the scene. "Siege" was not nearly as much fun. I had to run up and down the Capitol steps while they filmed us. They kept making us do it over as they were going for the frantic hassled look!! I was a Senator running in the Capitol to vote on an issue.

Jeri is the pool in your yard. That doesn't look the way I remember your swimming pool area looking.

Cleaning my garage is also a must! I finally have enough furniture out of it I can pull a table out and move to the workshop. I need to pull a bunch of stuff out of the garage on a pretty day and no rain in sight. I need to pull it out and sort through and reorganize. Need to do the same thing to the workshop.

Ripley, MS

Marilyn the tall verbena is not a perennial but it does reseed like crazy. They will come up a little later. You will probably find a bunch you don't want just "weed them out" and enjoy the rest!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Charlotte it is even the same brand, same size pool but it's bigger and I'm having to have everything around it altered. We took out the pump house that was at the right end and we're just gonna put a door in the side skirting to access the filter and pump. The new deck will have a set of steps where the other one was and then on the right side where the pump & filter are located we're adding another set of sets. I can't keep up with all the projects that I have going right now.

I'm taking down the cover to my top patio before it falls down. Can't complain it's been good for 30 years. I'm out of ideas for what to put back so I'll worry about that later.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Charlotte, are you talking about Sun Gold or Sun Sugar? Those two are my favorites! I've grown one or the other for the last several years now. Sun Sugars are harder to find and I usually grow them from seed. They don't crack as much as SG's and are just as good if not better IMO. I'll take either as they are wonderful.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes Elaine that's what I'm talking about! Mine were Sun Gold's and they are hard to find. I'll have to look for the Sun Sugar too. My grandson that loves tomatoes so much went through I had of those! He loved them too.

I love my new Iphone6plus! I discovered something last night you all probably already know but I didn't.There is a google speaking app. I'm always searching for things on the internet and all I have to do is speak what I want. After I have searched for something several times it will leave "cards" with the information on it. so I don't have to ask again. I put it on my ipad and it works great on it too.

I pruned my crape myrtle just outside my sunroom in semi dark last night! I realized the other day that I had not gotten it pruned when I did the ones in the front! It's late I know but it had to be done. It had gotten way above the roof (almost two stories) and the branches were leaning toward the front yard seeking the sun. Not pretty! I couldn't even see the blooms. It's a really big crape myrtle now but with my big racheting pruners with handles that extend I was able chop it off!! I'm always amazed at what I can cut with those things.

I put Preen down in my front beds. I sure hope it works with that crazy weed I had last year. I was very liberal in putting it down. Now I have wild violets all over the bed! I need to start digging those up! I'm tempted to use a paint brush and put round up on them. I haven't put mulch down yet. If I do put RU on them they probably need to be exposed to the sun for a week or so????

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Sounds like you ladies have plants popping up all over. I think most of you are about two weeks ahead of me up here in southern Missouri. Jeri and the others in southern LA must be even further than that ahead of my area.

Yesterday I discovered that my entire shade garden with the tire planters in it had been burned over! :((( Al sheepishly admitted that while he was burning leaves, the fire got away from him and jumped into the leaves in the shade bed which I had not yet cleaned out. Burned over were 2 nandinas which were on the sun end of that bed, along with a clematis and a couple of hollyhocks. In the shade area, I lost 2 hydrangeas, 2 azaleas, some hostas, several heucheras, columbines, woodland phlox and I can't remember what all. The only thing untouched was the one big heuchera in the very top tire of the tire pyramid. BUT it is a good excuse for me to buy new plants! :D LOL

For Kathy Ann's RU in May, so far I know I will have Huskers Red Penstemon, Black-eyed Susan (rudbeckia), White Snakeroot and some various sedums and hopefully some gaillardia to share. Let me know if any of you want any of those if you plan to come to the RU on May 30th.

Oh, I almost forgot that it is April 1st. I will go and make a new thread for us. BBL

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Well Al got rid of those leaves! Lot easier than raking and burning! LOL

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

LOL, Charlotte! :D

Here's our new thread for April:


Join us with your chat and photos!

This message was edited Apr 1, 2015 9:32 AM

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