March, 2015 in like a Polar Bear!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

This is our new March thread.
We came from here:

March came in like a Polar Bear in our area and across most of the nation! I do not know where all the snow is going to go in those states up north when it starts melting. I really feel for the folks who live in that area. We got from 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 inches of snow on Saturday and during the night we got almost 1/4 inch of freezing rain which formed a sheet of ice on top of the snow. It started melting today but still has a long way to go. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain and the temp will be in the upper 50's so hopefully there will be a lot of melting!

Here are some photos of a piece of the sheet of ice, our snow and this morning's sunrise:

Thumbnail by marsue Thumbnail by marsue Thumbnail by marsue Thumbnail by marsue
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I know you are tired but it certainly has such a pristine beauty all it's own!!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

That sure is pretty, Marilyn, but I know you and Al are tired of it. I was watching the weather last night and you folks certainly got hammered. I really feel for our friends in the NE too. Our weather guy said we'd have every kind of weather this week except summer!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We could possibly get up to 4" of snow tomorrow. At least that's what the forecast says. I'm hoping they are wrong. I guess we're paying for all that pretty weather we had the first part of Feb. Marilyn you all sure got a lot.

But like someone told me yesterday, we go on daylight savings time this weekend so spring is here!! I'm really looking forward to the change. I love long days and lots of daylight!! I can get so much more accomplished.

Ripley, MS

I love the longer daylight hours too ! We are getting a forecast that says 1/2" of ice possible, ice is the worst to me because of the broken power lines. I am hoping they are wrong on this one.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I wish mother nature would get through menopause...these hot and cold flashes are getting out of hand! :-)

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

HELLO EVERYONE!! I haven't had the opportunity to get on DG and catch up since December.... I will eventually try to breeze thru the Jan and Feb threads to catch up with everyone but for now just wanted to say hello!

Kim, you had me laughing out loud literally at your menopause reference but it is dead on! Has been in the low 30s here, but was supposed to hit 60 yesterday. It did, but it was LATE last night. Was 60 as I headed to work this morning, but is supposed to be sleeting and freezing rain as I head home. We got ice several days two weeks ago, then ice and freezing rain on Monday and Tuesday of last week and then 5-6" of snow on Wednesday! The haven't really had sunshine here in about 3 weeks and I am READY to see it! Yesterday it was extremely foggy and hazy ALL day! Our local daffodil festival is this weekend and the kids are bringing friends over.............. I hope the weather is better then, but I am not sure it will be! Not many daffodils either...........

I have missed everyone so much! Just dealing with two new computer systems at work plus a new computer "education" where we are required to take specific classes on the computer and take tests. They aren't hard - just MORE time. I am the go to person for everyone here - most of whom have very little experience on a computer - anytime they have a problem with any of the 3 new computer things we are dealing with. Plus, most of my work is having to be done the new way and the old way so things have been just a little crazy! Beginning to ease just a little...... and I pray that no one decides we need to add any new computer ANYTHING for at least a year or so! ^_^

My internet is almost non existent at home............they are supposed to be "checking it out" but so far, they sure haven't fixed anything. I guess we are going to end up having to find a new supplier. But, I just wanted to stop in briefly and wave a big HI to everyone! Will try to get back later this afternoon or tomorrow and catch up.....

Love you all! Sure have missed ya!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

We have missed you, too, Genna!

Well, our snow from last week-end pretty much melted on Monday and Tuesday with temps in the 40's but yesterday we started out with freezing rain which turned to sleet. This went on for about two hours and then it changed to snow and we wound up with 3 to 4 inches of more snow on the ground! GRRRR! The poor birds are having a really hard time. I have been filling up our 3 bird feeders sometimes twice a day plus I scatter some on the open area of our back porch for the ground feeders.
We have anywhere from 3 to 4 dozen birds at, on or around the feeders at any given time. We are working on our third 50 lb. bag of sunflower seed since the beginning of winter.

This is our forecast for today:
Thursday 0% Precip. / 0 in
Abundant sunshine. High 32F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.
Thursday Night 0% Precip. / 0 in
A clear sky. Low 4F. Winds light and variable.

Tomorrow the warm-up begins and we might see 65F by Tuesday. Yay!

You ladies have a good day! :)

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

It started sleeting here around 4 yesterday and started sticking right away. Sleet totally covered everything and then it started snowing during the night. Today we have several inches of sleet and snow. It's supposed to warm up to 33 today but it's going to take awhile for this mess to melt. Tomorrow it should start melting as it's going to be warmer then. My next door neighbor always goes to work in ice and snow but he posted on FB today that he was in for the day. He said he couldn't make it up the first hill (the only way out ). The last snow we had they actually sanded our hill. That was the first time I remember them doing that. No sand trucks today however.

Genna I don't guess they ever consider postponing the daffodil festival. I was reading a list of daffodil festival just the other day. They said the one in Camden is the earliest festival. Mostof them don't have a set date - depends on the blooms. I didn't realize that. We always go out to Wye Mountain for their festival. They have some vendors but not that many and I think they are all ladies from the church so they can be flexible when they set up.

I'm feeding the birds too. I have feeders right outside the windows of the sunroom. I'm watching birds now as I'm typing. My backyard is covered in them.

I'm going to make myself get some things done in the house today since I can't get outside. Working on my closet is top on the list!!

Ripley, MS

I am so tired of working in the house, maybe next week we will be able to get outside !!
We have enough of the icy stuff on the roads that Jerry is home. Ben was on his way home last night when Memphis got bad and he told them he would not go out today. He has been driving over 10 years professionally and Amanda said this if the first time he has ever refused to drive.
The problem he was dealing with coming home was small vehicles pulling out in front of him, no way to stop the big rig on normal roads, much less ice. He was a nervous wreck by the time he got the rig parked. He has driven in all kinds of winter weather through the years, but last night was really hard on him. I haven't talked to any of them yet today to see if he changed his mind.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I can image how nerve wracking it would be driving a big rig in this mess. There are enough crazy drivers out there in good weather. Even if you know how to drive in the stuff lots of other people don't. There is about 3 inches of ice under the 4 inches of snow we have here is the problem. My neighbor finally made it up the hill!! It's not very far from here to his work. But he's the only one I see that has left. I'm just glad I don't have to venture out in the mess!! I did it for so many years and too many memories of horrible situations I got in! It's so nice to be able to just sit and watch it.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

We have a thick sheet of ice with snow on top as well, but the sun is shining here and the main roads have one lane clear - but with running water in them because of snow from the other lanes so if they don't get out there and scrape it off with a motor patrol, it will be a really big mess again in the morning. Our little road is pretty bad. I didn't come in until lunch. Leigh drove me then. The problem here now with the drivers is that this is the third week in a row and "NOW" they are experts on it............ NOT!! But they think so! That is what scares me when they reach the point they are comfortable with it and start driving crazy!

My bird feeder stays covered up as well! My regular birdfeeder cracked a few weeks ago and so now I only have a platform type feeder that hangs on my back porch so I have had a waiting line for it and the porch is covered in seed hulls...... but we just keep filling and filling it. They are really going thru the food - but I know it is because everything else is covered up and they have to have something to eat.

I don't know of them ever postponing the festival. I guess because they have so many vendors scheduled etc. They would probably have to refund booth fees and stuff. Not sure how many vendors will be ABLE to get here - it will depend on where they are coming from , but if the hwy dept would help clean up the roads a bit it would be pretty decent on the main roads here tomorrow. The back roads that don't have traffic and are shaded will take a couple of days

Ripley, MS

I am so tired of working in the house, maybe next week we will be able to get outside !!
We have enough of the icy stuff on the roads that Jerry is home. Ben was on his way home last night when Memphis got bad and he told them he would not go out today. He has been driving over 10 years professionally and Amanda said this if the first time he has ever refused to drive.
The problem he was dealing with coming home was small vehicles pulling out in front of him, no way to stop the big rig on normal roads, much less ice. He was a nervous wreck by the time he got the rig parked. He has driven in all kinds of winter weather through the years, but last night was really hard on him. I haven't talked to any of them yet today to see if he changed his mind.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sandra, I know what you mean about being stuck inside. I have been cleaning and cleaning. Don't have all the rooms spotless yet, but I have sure made some major strides and have most of the house cleaned up nicely...... trying to get it all done because I know once it gets nice weather, I won't want to be inside at all! LOL.....

They are calling for several days with temps in the 60s and maybe even 70 next week .... so that will be a nice change.

One of the guys here at work said the city had cleaned all the streets downtown yesterday and blocked off parts of downtown getting ready for the vendors and all the activities. Not sure how many vendors will make it but hopefully most of them can get there. The roads in our area are fairly clean on the main roads - just some patches here and there. The back roads still have a ways to go. But not sure about north of here. Guess it depends on which way the vendors are coming from.............

Not going to be many daffodils in town though.............. a few but not a lot like normal.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

It's a shame they can't postpone it! If they look anything like the daffodils I have blooming right now they will look pretty pitiful! I have some blooming but after the cold and being covered in snow and ice they are not much to look at!!! I bet your crowd is going to be down this year. Or then again people may be so stir crazy a lot show up.

I think our main roads are in pretty good condition to travel today but the side roads are still a mess. I'm not leaving until some of this mess melts! The street in front of my house is still covered in ice and snow. Just beginning to see a little sign of ruts in some parts of the street.

Schools are closed again today. We didn't get any mail yesterday. He did make it this morning but had chains on his mail truck.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, it is pretty clear here and is supposed to warm up to mid 50s today I think and the sun is shining. Several of the vendors that were there weren't selling when Kyle and Maddie went thru late yesterday afternoon.....he said it looked they were still trying to get everything put out. I guess they were just late getting there to set up. You may be right about the stir crazy! A lot of people go thru all the vendors and exhibits and may or may not even take the daffodil tours, so if it warms on up decent I bet people will be glad to get out and do SOMETHING outside for a bit.

Jessica has one of her girlfriends from Ft Smith with her that has never been to the daffodil festival before, and Kyle and Maddie are here so I will be cooking pancakes for the crowd in just a little bit. They wanted to sleep in some - so I am holding off cooking for a little while. Kyle and Maddie are going back around noon because Maddie wants to be there for the Tiger Tunes Host/Hostesses auditions this afternoon. Then Jessica and Lauren have to go back this evening because Jessica is scheduled to work at Walgreen's tomorrow. Don't think I told ya'll but the child just got her THIRD job! LOL One of the professors sent out an email that Walgreens was looking for some part time pharmacy techs and so Jessica and one of her friends went down and took the test and were hired the same day. And, she got another raise! She makes minimum at Merle, 9 at hospital here in town and 9.75 there plus a 15% discount on purchases - so she is excited. :) She isn't getting to work many hours here at the hospital currently and they have hired 2 more pharm techs so we weren't sure how many hours she would get this summer, so we figured a few hours per week would help with her pharmacy totals when she applies next fall. There is a possibility that she might can transfer to Camden to our Walgreens (which is in a pretty sketchy area) and not like the rest of the walgreens you see because they bought out a line of pharmacies. But, she has looked up the hours and they close at 6 at our local walgreens so in the summer, she will be out long before dark. At Arkadelphia they don't close the pharmacy til 8 and the store until 9. They were supposed to be building a new Walgreen's in town but so far I haven't seen any sign of it. I am not sure how many people this one employees because it is pretty small. But, I sure can't say the child won't work! LOL She just keeps adding jobs but doesn't "quit" the old ones! ^_^ She mainly stays at Merle because they are almost like a second family and they treat her very well. She enjoys it and she gets a discount on her makeup and other purchases that way as well.

I am looking out into my back yard and see a bluebird sitting in my maple..... an encouraging sign. Spring is on the way! Hope everyone has a great day!


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

The sun is out here and it is going to warm up today. I hope the mess melts soon. My street finally cleared enough that I went out around the middle of the afternoon yesterday. There was still lots of ice and snow on my street but I had a good solid rut out. My street runs north and south. The strange thing I noticed was that all the east/west streets were still covered solid.

Genna I hope your festival has a good crowd.

Clint got a job also. I don't know if I remember the right name for it but he is what amounts to the floor monitor for his dorm. It is his job to keep peace among everyone and enforce the rules. He will actually be very good at it. It pays $15,000. a year. It will also be good for his resume. Although Jeff has told him he could go where ever he wanted and he would pay for it, he has been concerned that his tuition is so much more than Justin and Jake's. That seems to really brother him. He already had a $15,000 academic scholarship. He asked Jeff if the two now put his cost about the same as the other two. Jake is working 20 to 30 hours a week for the company that places kids in Europe. He doesn't get paid but loves doing it and is making lots of contacts that will help him get a position in a location he wants in Europe.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra has Cayla heard anything from the checkup she had????

Ripley, MS

Yes, her checkups went fine. The neuro doctor wants to see her one more time in 6 weeks. He gave her a script to take for her headaches, and he feels like her body has not completely adjusted to the shunt yet. While she was driving home her leg went numb. It has woke up and went numb again. I told her to call and talk to a nurse, but she hasn't yet. She hasn't had any of that after the shunt until now.
The surgeon has released her. She has decided against a law suit. She told me today she just didn't want to fool with it and wanted to get on with her life. Her hair is coming back in fast, but it is still very very short.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I can understand Cayla deciding against the lawsuit. I don't blame her for wanting to get all that behind her and get on with her life. I'm sure her body is still adjusting. But so glad that she is doing well.

Richard broke another tooth today. This time it was one of his front teeth. He was eating a granola bar when it broke. He has had a lot of others break off but they were all teeth that had big fillings or a crown. That was not the case with the front tooth. His teeth are so brittle they are just falling apart. Luckily I had talked to my dentist when I was there for a routine checkup last week. I asked him if he would be willing to handle an Alzheimer patient and he said he would. I had been taking him to Pine Bluff but his old dentist has retired and he had a bad experience with the dentist that took over his practice. So I've got to call about his tooth Mon morning. I hope they can somehow put another tooth in. Maybe something temporary even. He is soon not going to have enough teeth to eat!! He just keeps getting worse and more confused.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

That is good news for Cayla!!! I understand her decision not to sue also. That is one chapter that I'm sure she is ready to close.

Charlotte I hate to hear that about Richard. I hope that your dentist is able to fix him up and not have to pull it. I go next month to finish up my implant. Old age is not for sissies!!!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

They call those positions resident assistants in the dorms at OBU - but they don't pay nearly that much. But, a lot of students use those positions as work study to help offset part of the tuition and room and board. They also have "dorm parents" on the dorm at OBU and although they used to be older people - sometimes retired couples, or widowers etc now they are usually married couples. Kyle and Maddie might could have done that IF they had gotten married last summer but with it being mid school year all the positions were filled. They don't let current students serve as dorm parents for the freshmen (which were the dorms they DIDN'T want) and the other dorm parents don't have a lot to do. The freshmen ones stay pretty busy with the kids because they are adjusting to dorm life and get homesick, etc. The older ones pretty much take care of themselves. A guy and his girlfriend that went to us to Brazil 2 years ago are engaged to be married this summer. I know they applied for a dorm parents position but didn't get one because they are all filled for next year.

Charlotte, so sorry to hear about Richard's problems with his teeth. My Mom had a lot of problem with her teeth breaking before she died but they blamed it on her diabetes. Not sure if that was really the problem though. Hope that your dentist can get him in quickly and get it repaired.

Anyone have any experience with hearing aids? Leigh desperately needs some as he has had extreme high frequency loss since he was a teen - but now has more hearing loss to go with it so everything is so distorted to him. He has gone to an audiologist a few times in our marriage but most said they couldn't help him but the new technology supposedly allows them to select channels and improve parts of his hearing that wasn't possible 10 yrs ago. He went back in December and the guy wanted 4K or 5K depending on the model for 2 hearing aids..... Leigh came home without any because he didn't want to spend that much, but I am going to try to get most of it ran thru our flexible spending account and at least that will help. But, my problem is I know nothing about them and don't know if they are expected to last a year, two years or 10. Which obviously makes a lot of difference in overall cost. He didn't even ask if they had a warranty or how long, etc. Just thought someone on here might know something about them............ I really want to work out a way for him to get them because he is missing entire conversations now - not just pieces.

The festival was missing a few booth participants who I guess either couldn't make it or was afraid it wouldn't be worthwhile. Although one of the guys I talked to at one of the booths was from Kansas....... so maybe it was more they didn't want to come. There was a huge crowd on Saturday though. Everyone was so glad to see the sunshine and have a chance to get outdoors that I think most of Camden and several surrounding towns were there! :)

It is raining here today and I am trying to get some paperwork done. Really need to get my tax stuff together but I am sure dreading it. But considering it is already the 8th of March, I really need to get on it. Have a great rest of the day...

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Clint is a freshman. I don't know if he has already started his dorm job or if it is for next year??? He was wanting the job to bring his tuition cost down. With the 30,000 he has in scholarship and the dorm job, his tuition is still just about 1/2 paid. He goes to a very expensive school so they should pay a lot for the dorm position!

I also have a hearing problem and wear 2 hearing aids. I can tell you they will change Leigh's world dramatically!!! I first found out I had a hearing problem in about 1997. At that time my doctor thought it could be helped with surgery. He did surgery on the ear that was worse and said he would do the other one later. I was amazed at the difference in my hearing!!! A few years later I could tell my hearing was declining again so he did surgery on the other ear(2000). Again a big difference in hearing. Then after a few years my hearing started getting worse again. I went back thinking he would probably do surgery again. He said I really needed to get hearing aids. The surgery was just not going to be the answer. I have a pretty bad hearing problem. I really don't remember exactly how long I've had mine but I know it has to be 7 or 8 years. I don't remember anything about warranty either - never had to use it. I've never even gone back and had mine adjusted which they can do. They can change how you hear out of them. I've been thinking I need to go back and have my hearing tested and possibly get new hearing aids as I'm sure the technology has changed since I got mine. Yes they are expensive. The price you quoted is in line. It took me several weeks to get used to used to them in the beginning. They don't bother me at all anymore. Nice thing is if I want quiet all I have to do is take them out!!!! When I started wearing them I was amazed at just what a noisy world we live in!!!! I was not used to hearing it all.
I was always having to ask certain people to repeat things for me. Certain tone voices I just cannot understand without my hearing aids. When I would visit Jeff and Kristi when the kids were small they would be watching tv after they had put the kids to bed and I couldn't hear anything on the tv!!! After I got hearing aids I could actually hear the tv!! So tell Leigh that yes they are very expensive but well worth every penny of it!!!! They will change his life so much for the better!!! It will also help him at work. To me they are a necessity not an option!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna most places don't expect you to lay out the entire amount at one time. Most will work with you on a payment plan.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks for that info Charlotte. His hearing has been bad for so long - and there was NOTHING they could do - that he just has gotten used to not hearing what's going on. But, I can tell that he has lot more hearing - and his tests confirmed that. He actually went and priced them in December - but refused to get them. But, I think we are to a point where he is going to HAVE to try them. Do you happen to know what brand yours are? If they last that long, I am totally fine with it. Things were just so tight with him working in NLR for so long that he just didn't feel like we can swing it, plus at the time he went we were dealing with all the wedding stuff. But, I have been working on saving up some money just for that purpose and also plan on running part of it thru our flexible spending so although it will wipe out all the flexible spending account for this year, I think it will be worth it for him to hear the world around him. He was also afraid they would have to be replaced in a couple of years and that would get super expensive! Thanks again for all the info!

Jess and I have to go to Hot Springs tomorrow. She is going back for her third visit to Dr Stringer and I am going to him for the first time as a patient. I had all my records transferred to him - which are quite extensive, and I am just going to see what he has to say about the treatment options he would recommend. I was not scheduled to go back to see Dr Hamid until September, but since I was going anyway, I wanted his opinion of what is going on. I hope that the rain gets finished before tomorrow!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I don't have any idea what brand mine are. They are just what they fitted me with. Not every one works for your particular hearing problem. I consider my hearing aids a necessity not an option! If you can hear ok you don't realize what a disadvantage not being able to hear puts Leigh in. It probably puts him at a real disadvantage at work. Work situations are what made me realize each time mine was getting worse.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

This is the surgery I had done in both ears. I went to an ear nose and throat specialist.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah the doctor that he went to only sells one brand.............. I wondered if he might be better off to go somewhere that offers multiple lines. But, that may not exist in that business.

I thought it was supposed to be warmer today - but to me it seems the temperature is going the wrong way. I didn't bring a jacket this morning when I left for work - but I picked up one at lunch. I am ready for a little sunshine.

By the way, has anyone ever order from Direct Gardening? I was searching for some bulbs and they have them, but I was familiar with their company. just wondered if anyone had experience with them.

Have a great day everyone!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I don't think it's one of those things that matters so much about brands. I imagine the doctor figures out what he thinks is best. There are all type of hearing aids within a brand line even. They decide what will work best for your hearing problem. For example, they make what they call an open ear one. It fits right behind your ear and a thin clear tube runs over your ear down to the ear canal. It is barely noticeable and one that can easily be hidden with most any hair style. For my hearing problem they did not want to fit me in one of those. They had them. They just didn't think it would improve my hearing sufficiently. What they fitted my with is one that goes in the ear canal. For people with even more severe hearing loss than mine they still fit them with a device that fits into the whole ear opening. I am hoping they will improve them so that the open ear one will work for me. If not no big deal. I figure they are supposed to be the experts and that's what I'm paying them for. I just wear my hair so that it covers each ear. I'm vain enough I don't like for it to show!! My hearing loss is pretty bad. If mine were to break, I would be in their office to get a new one the next day!! Think of it this way. If your eyesight was so bad you couldn't see things clearly and had a hard time driving, would you consider not getting glasses?

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah I know..... I agree. He just has had hearing problems since he blew up an M80 in his hand at about 17 I think. It was an extreme high frequency loss and there were sounds he hasn't been able to hear at all since then - but now it is more across the board hearing loss. He still sees it as the same thing he has been dealing with all these years - but he is missing MUCH more now. I am "working" on him trying to convince him he is just going to HAVE to get it done! I know he would enjoy life more knowing what is going on around him!

Raining here today....and the river is already out of its banks. It had crested and was headed down, but that won't last long with it raining.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Ripley, MS

Cayla is back at Vanderbilt in the ER. She lost feeling in one leg and her doc had set her up for a CT Tues, but he also told her if anything else came up to go to the ER. Last night she had trouble climbing steps and then had pain going down both legs. They decided at 11pm to go. Jana kept Eli last night and the girls and I came this morning and we are at Caylas now.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Oh my Sandra!!! I am so sorry to hear this. I know you are so worried! I will be praying Cayla and for all of you. Please let us know what is going on.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Oh no, Sandra! I am so sorry. Please keep us posted on what happens with Cayla, and know that we are praying for her.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Please add my prayers!!!

Ripley, MS

Thanks, still no news but they usually run tests and then talk when everything is ib

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sandra I'm so sorry to hear this about Cayla!!! I'm glad that you and the girls were able to go and take care of Eli. I'm sure it is more reassuring for him with Yall there. Now for some good results from the Doctors!!!

Mary & I are off to LSU for the big plant sale at Parker Coliseum. Hope there is some good stuff!!!

Jim was in last week to see his cardiologist and they did some test(EKG & Nuclear stress test). The Dr. scared the pants off both of us before the test by telling us that it's been 9 years since his by-passes on his heart and they usually go bad before that but TG everything came back good so he is off to work again until July. He may try to come in for Ashley's graduation in May for the weekend.

West Monroe, LA(Zone 8a)

HI! Everyone, I'm back after a few years away due to health. Boy, I need to quit complaining about the weather! You guys are really getting it worse than here. I'm in North Louisiana and we finally seem to be rid of freezing cold weather and unprecedented snow. It's just rain now that is having me stir crazy- but did get out this morning- am in for a quick break- thought I'd show "The Wall" I'm weeding today. I'm halfway thru it. It's too muddy to get to my roses to do the pruning I wanted to do. I can't risk a fall. On my wall I found that my mini daylilies are up and well, My "Fairy Lilies" have multiplied like crazy- same for my dwarf blue bearded iris. The mini roses are there but not up to snuf yet ( Hubby "weed eated" them down last year trying to help me) (yes the weeds were larger than the minis) My "sonnet" burgundy snapdragons made it thru the weather, so did the sweet Williams and violas. What troupers this year!

Thumbnail by GingerGaia
Ripley, MS

Hi, Ginger glad to see you posting

They found a new blood clot on Caylas spine,they said it is too dangerous to do any more tests on it, they are sending her home and going to have her follow up in a month, no instructions otherwise.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra that sounds dangerous! Are you planning to stay for a while?

Ripley, MS

They think she is ok, it is a place like the first one they found. They didn't get home until midnight last night and are still asleep. They said all they can do is moniter it. She is having a bad headache from all the exhaustion of being in the ER from Thursday night to Sat around 4:30. The MRI they did on her was 4 hours, they did brain all the way down to tailbone. Then the pump had to be reset and checked out to be sure everything was right with it. She said she thought she would have a nervous breakdown the first night they were in the hallway all night and until noon on Friday before she got into an ER room. Vanderbilt is such a busy place they are always operating over capacity there. They also found that the whole left side of her back is numb, she didn't realize that until they did all the tests to find out. She just knew her leg down into her foot was numb.
I hope to get to go home later today, Amanda is coming here to pick the girls up, but will see how Cayla feels when she gets up before deciding.

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