How about a new thread, ORVG #203.

15 days until the gathering ... sure am looking forward to seeing people who i haven't seen in awhile.
my FIL is mowing my lawn..... i have plants on the ground i didn't get back in the other day due to rain. LOL
gives him something to do i guess. so i don't mind
Hope everyone has a great day

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Waving! I'm looking forward to the get together as well!
Hot today! Bad thing is, our air conditioner is not working. Yuk!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Air conditioners need to go on the blink in winter time only!

Painters will finish up in about 2 hours tomorrow. Yea, I will have my house back. now to just put it back together again. Love the fresh look, hate the clutter, mess and disorganization!

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Going to be about 95 here today and l only have a fan for the living room, have AC in the bedrooms so that I can breath and sleep a night.

Everybody try and stay cool.

Yikes Cookie. Hope you can get it fixed soon.
Kathy yes this weather is heating up isn't it. Stay cool.
Bonnie seems when we clean and organize we realize we have more stuff then we thought ? LOL
good day today
Savannah's sunburn is getting better.
austin plays his Xbox..... i really need to ween him off it. LOL.
I went to the gym today
then worked in the garden. whew that was hot ! i waited until late afternoon while the garden was in shade.
boy im tired. Watching our fav show. Little People.

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

They are now saying that we could hit 95 tomorrow and my daughter and I have to run to town as she has to have blood work done for her thyroid. Thank goodness she has AC in the car for the little one.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I was out running errands and buying groceries today, and I couldn't believe how hot the car got while I was in stores. Took till the next stop to start cooling it down.

The gathering will be a pot luck style .
Please bring a goodie to nibble on and your own drinks.
I will bring a chinese chicken salad and a dessert.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Yum, that sounds good! We'll have to find out what Ric and Robyn are bringing. I'll try to round it out with what we need. Anyone know how to reach Marcy? How about Rebecca and Celine? I'm trying to think of who was at Armco last year.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

How about Lou and Ester? I would love to have a whole gang of people!!

Bonnie, I'll tell Bertie you're coming. She'll probably make it over to see you!

I posted on FB the gathering. Lou, Marcy and Rebecca should have seen it ? . No response from anyone of them. Sure hope they can make it. :) it sure would be nice to see them. I can go to there FB page and ask directly.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, I would love to see Bertie, well, not just her, everyone as I wasn't able to make it last year.

If someone will tell me if there is a Ky Fried Chicken location close to Joyce's I will stop and buy some and bring it, plus, I will have something else that I make and bring. Or if there is something else that sounds better, just let me know and I will do my best to get whatever it is.

i think it will be a small group Bonnie. I m sure Cookie has more Ky chicken info then i do LOL . i just don't ever remember seeing one around her place ?
the rain stopped here. rained most of the night. very humid out. staying mostly indoors today.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Welll...I just had a post ready to go..and it disappeared......grrrrrrrrrrrr.
Anyway...HIII EVERYONE!!! Yesss..I am still here...!!!
Yesss... I am planning to come to the gathering/roundup at Cookie' least, I Hope to.
Other half hasn't said yet ?
I will check with you all to see what to bring in the way of food.
Just finished reading back to catch up. Sounds like all have been busy too....just like me!
It's pretty dark out right now...hoping to get outside before it rains AGAIN!!!
Talk soon...hugs to all!!!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, good to see you. If you can blow hard, blow some of that rain down here to me.

Looking forward to seeing everybody.

What about Lou, anybody heard from her?

No on Lou. :(
small group but full of spirit !
Ok Marcy good to know. Glad things are going well for you.
not much going on here
rained this morning
then back to hot and humid.
got some weeds pulled , rearranged some smaller hosta beds.
sprained my middle finger.... not fun.
gained 7lbs,,, not fun... :( to many beers.
our little gueinea pig is dying. i wonder if he will make it through the night. ? hope he doesn't suffer to much.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Sad on the little guy... :-(

Marcy! Girl, so happy to see you! Yes, well'll have a good time no matter how many show up!

Bonnie, KFC is at the Middletown exit right before our exit. Once you get to the shopping area, turn right, then an immediate left. It's right off the highway.

I haven't heard what anyone else is bringing.

Sorry Lou and Dave can't make it. How about Celene, Rebecca and Esther?

I wish the rain would stop for a little bit! Geez....maybe we should build an ark!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Joyce as the date grows closer, I will probably Dmail you for directions, as I know we found you the last time, but I think my brain cells have been dying off regularly since then, and will need a refresher! Tell Bertie that she better show up!

no Celene. :(
don't know how to contact Ester and Bob ?
Cookie did you say Ric and Robyn are coming ?

Glenview, IL

Dashing thru to say hello!

I am so very excited, can't wait to meet you Bonnie and all who are going.
of course seeing Sunshine/Joyce and Sue!!

I plan on getting to Sue's on Thursday. LOL, still not sure if I'm alone. DH mostly won't be able to come since the rains have set him behind. Still waiting to hear if DN will be able to come...BUT, I Will be there.

UH, after my fall last night hopefully I won't look like Rocky with a skid down the middle of my face. thank God I am not broke, just ugly and sore!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey little Injun! So glad that you're going to be able to get here. Looking forward to seeing you and having a great time. Sherry looking forward to seeing you again as well.

Yes Sue, R and R will be there!

It's pretty easy, Bonnie! Just one mile from the I 75 exit!

ok good.
hey Judy so excited too to see you
ok sounds like we have some good grub coming in for saturday.
wet and raining today
buried our little guinea pig today...... pretty sure the hole isn't deep enough .... we shall see

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Judy, looking forward to meeting you. See if you can drag your DH along. Mine will be coming with me for the day, and he needs men to talk to. Sounds like yours may be a farmer.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

No, Judy's DH isn't a farmer. He's a really nice guy. He does remodeling work. Has his own business.

Ric will be here. Maybe we can get Bill outside to chat with him!

Sherry and Kathy will be coming. They were at the last two. Sherry is bringing a potato dish and maybe a dessert and Kathy is bringing baked beans. I'm leaning towards a pasta salad. Have I already said that?

Tom is coming also. Although he is a Jersey City boy LOL may not have much in common :(
i think we need meat of some sort ? a main dish .... I may bring a small ham ? instead of salad.
I will bring paper plates and paper towels.
so if everyone can bring there own drinks and cups. i think we have it covered :)

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Yay!!! Esther and Bob are coming!!! I got a letter in the mail today! They let their membership lapse but they found out about the RU and want to come! Yay! I'm happy!

I talked to Ric today. He's bringing sloppy Joes and buns. I think Bonnie said she was bringing KFC and the beans that Kathy is bringing have hamburger in them. So, don't you think that's enough meat? It's up to you.

I can make some lemonade and ice tea if you don't want to haul your own drinks.

Thanks for bringing the plates. I think I have enough plastic silverware for the group.

ok good to know about the meat
hooray about Ester and Bob ! glad they are comming
I was wondering about Judy and Buzz ? do you think they might want to join us ? i know its short notice but ? I hope she is doing good.
Hmmm the only thing i can think of missing is a jello salad. You can't have a picnic with out jello !

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh boy, it is sounding like a really good group that will come. I will bring another dish, but right now don't know what that will be.

I am looking forward to it. Has anybody checked the weather forecast? Would be awful if we had rain.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Well...sounds like the food is pretty much covered except desserts????? So I shall bring a dessert of some something't know what? Any suggestions are appreciated!
Cant wait to see you all meet the ones I don't know!
I didn't make it last its been 2 yrs for me!
Dave will be coming, Bonnie, for your hubby to talk Should be plenty of men it sounds like.
Andddd...cookie, sue, ......the humidity is to go DOWN this afternoon and be drier. Just wish they would tell the weather for the weekend!!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

The forecast for this weekend sounds good. Cooler than now and not much chance for rain!

Here is a message I got from Esther:

Hi Joyce, I did get your e-mail. Could you send me your phone number?

I thought you could help explain about my voice so I do not have to keep repeating myself to the people at the RU.

We missed the local fall roundup when we went on our trip to Turkey October 2013.

Getting back home, I inquired about a lump on my neck under my left ear at my annual check-up.
Then we were practically commuting to OSU for what was diagnosed as papillary thyroid cancer. By December 13, I had surgery to remove my thyroid and nearby lymph nodes. March 2014 I had this one time radioisotope therapy (you swallow one small pill) to kill whatever cancer cells were left. It has been an interesting experience, and I NEVER felt like an invalid. I suppose this is one of the least inconvenient cancers to have.

My main problem is they had to cut out part of my left vocal nerve, so I only have use of my right vocal cord and I sound breathless/hoarse/whatever sometimes, but otherwise I feel much the same.

Since then we have made and sustained lots of visits to friends and family.

So it sounds like she's really had a time of it. She's sure handling it like a real trooper!

I'm so glad you and Dave are coming, Marcy! It's been much to long!

I told Bertie about the round up. Her hip has gone out on her again and she's back on crutches. She was going to the Dr. at 1:15 today. She said she'll know more after that.

Sue, Robyn told Judy about the round up. I didn't think to ask Ric the other day if they were coming or not.

ok good to know.
Gosh what a journey for Ester and Bob. sending them hugs.
looking forward to seeing everyone.
sorry to hear Berties hip went out. Maybe we can take a toll over ? and just say hi.
ok got to run.
savannah has a sleep over tonight.
tom and i have things to do and grocerys to get.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, Bertie thinks she'll be fine by Saturday and she's planning on coming. So that's good news!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sorry to hear about Ester, but she sounds like she is handling that fine. I am sure that all she has to do is nod her head, and we will try to catch her up on news and she won't have to do much talking.

Yeah for Bertie. Glad she thinks she will be able to come. Tell her if she needs a ride, we can stop by and pick her up!

Looking forward to it. We have an Amish wedding of Friday. They are expecting 450 guests. They really go all out for weddings, baptisms and funerals.

Bonnie wow 450 guest ! .... that is alot of food too.... that would be amazing to see .
tomorrow the ladies will be arriving for our sistah gathering.
looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend.
going to be a wonderful weather day

Glenview, IL

Hello everyone!!

So I am excited, I was packed and ready to leave yesterday!!
Just got a chance to catch up in the threads.

Woohoo only one more sleep and I'll be on my way...See you all on Saturday!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Ah, no Lil Injun! You'll be seeing Sherry and me tomorrow! Woohoo!

looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow !

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, phooey! Judy didn't make it today, but she and Steve should arrive around noon tomorrow. Big misunderstanding between Judy and her niece, but Steve stepped up to the plate! Yay Steve!

Sue fixed us a wonderful dinner of homemade lasagna, tossed salad and yummy bread. It was so delist! Sorry you missed it Judy!

Sherry and I got here about 5:30. We drank some wine while Sue put the meal together, then walked her beautiful garden while it baked. What a nice evening!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Sooooooo Cookie...are you under water there??????
I sure hope not!!!!!

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