When is the best time (season) to plant Delonix regia seeds?

San Diego, CA

I recently got my hands on some Delonix regia tree seeds and was wondering, "When's the best time to plant them?" As winter isn't quite over and nights still dip into the 50's F (or even high 40's), I'm wondering if I planted seeds now, would the seedlings be harmed by the cold? I don't know if the very young seedlings would naturally want to go dormant because of the cold nights and eventually die off or if there's anything else I should be concerned about besides this... (I'm in San Diego, California, USA zone 10b).

I've had several seedlings that sprouted and got to their 2nd pair of leaves. Then, after a few cold nights, the very young "trunks" turned brown and the seedlings died. Could damping-off be a culprit because the cooler environment hindered normal evaporation?

My planting medium is 40/60 mix of potting soil/perlite, so the drainage is pretty good... I'm stumped! (no pun intended.)

Thumbnail by allwaysgrowing Thumbnail by allwaysgrowing

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