CLOSED: Rose swap: Interest Thread

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Wow, you got a lot of plants Joy! I have always wanted a turks cap. Maybe I can find one locally someday?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Don't forget there are two swaps still open for sign ups. Come and check them out!

Julie has the interest thread for a rose swap open.

Linda has the PJ swap open.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I've been wanting an ORANGE Rose that would be winter Hardy . z5-6 let me think on this one . when will they have to be sent ? or do we just order one to have sent to our partner ?

Julie the veilchenblau rose sure is a pretty one also is it a climber ? or a bush ?
I Also like Mini Roses Never really had the magic touch with some roses I Have one called Night Owl that someone sent me & I just love it went to transplant & I guess I left a root Now I Have 2 of them .

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Cindy has the birdhouse swap open!

Ocean Springs, MS

Susie, send out date will be Feb. 28. You can buy one and mail it yourself or you can order one online and have it sent directly to them. The veilchenblau is a climber and very fast growing. Here's a description of it from Antique Emporium.
"Often called The Blue Rose, this vigorous, nearly thornless rambler has small crimson or purple blossoms that fade to a grey-blue color. Although literature indicates a tendency to rebloom, we have not witnessed this occurrence. Seen up close, there are streaks of white in each flower and the gold stamens are brightly displayed. Fragrance is excellent. 10 to 15 feet Z5-9. "

That's a bonus of planting own root roses! You can get more from the root system! :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I would have to order online our stores won't have any plant in till
May & I have winter taxes in feb so let me think about this for a bit

Ocean Springs, MS

No problem, Susie. Take your time. This is just the interest thread. I'll be posting the sign up thread this weekend.

Ocean Springs, MS

I'm just going to use this thread as the sign-up thread, also. I'll be posting more later about buying and shipping. Mail out deadline will remain Feb. 28. Thanks, Julie

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Julie, I will probably have to do the mail order a well, as so far, there are no roses at the stores here.
Do they ship out as we order them, or do they hold the order, till the weather is appropriate to ship to our partner?

Ocean Springs, MS

Linda Kay, depends on the company. Some are shipping to some areas now. Others are shipping later. If you order from a company that delays shipping, you could always send your buddy a note letting her know what;s coming!

I bought 4 roses from Walmart this morning.l They are the ones in the plastic wrap for $4.97 each. Bought Blue Girl, Mr. Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and a Peace rose. Wanted to buy more but have to watch the budget. LOL

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Julie, Blue Girl is one of my favorites. And the others are classics, you can't have a rose garden without the Peace rose and Mr Lincoln! How I wish I could grow them again! Good luck with yours.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

None of our wal marts have any plants other than a few tomato plants, and herbs. No flowers or roses yet. Neither does the Home depot. They have a few flowers like pansies, but no roses yet.

Ocean Springs, MS

Thanks, Nannie! Mr. Lincoln was my ex-FIL's favorite. When he passed away, I bought one for the boys to plant at their house and they have kept it growing! Peace is just too beautiful and fragrant for words! John F. Kennedy was one my 16-year-old son picked out. JFK is his hero! I tried growing Blue Girl last year but the drought got her! So trying again this year!

The boys are helping me enlarge my arbor for the climbing roses. Can't wait to plant my great-grandmother's heirloom rose next to it and watch it grow! I know a lot of people plant clematis with climbing roses. Can anyone think of a fall blooming climber to plant with them? Remember, i'm in zone 8b.


Ocean Springs, MS

Well, Linda Kay, you have until Feb. 28 to mail out. Should have them by then. :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I hope so. If not I will get one ordered.

Ocean Springs, MS

3 more days to sign up! also, list any roses you may want in particular! Thanks, Julie

Ocean Springs, MS

I've been checking the shipping policy for some of the online sites. Most of them do not begin shipping until late February. That's fine with me, but just wanted to make you aware of it. Especially for those of you in the North, if your buddy orders for you online, you may not receive it until March, April, or even May- depending on the weather.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Have My House Taxes & Brother just informed me that he is not going to have all of his end of them this month so I better not commit to this so so sorry . I Bought a yellow Mini rose for my friend in the Hospital the other day got it @ the Grocery store . they are $5,00 ea.
Ya all have a great day .

Ocean Springs, MS

Susie, I understand completely. You should have bought yourself a mini rose. I love going to the grocery stores after holidays. They have really good buys on seasonal plants!

If no one has any objections, I'm going to close this out tonight and send names tomorrow morning. Once again, if there is a certain rose you especially want, please list the name(s) of it. If not, i'll just send your buddy what you've already posted. BTW, I bought 2 roses from Gurney's and they sent me a shipping notification today! I guess since our weather is warm, they are shipping early. :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Can't wait to get my name.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Have fun ya all I will keep watch I Will get me one when it warms up .

Ocean Springs, MS

Names have been sent! Please let me know that you got your name! Thanks, Julie :)

Susie, we enjoy your company!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I got my name! :)

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

Me too! :)

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Me three

Ocean Springs, MS

Great! Start browsing around online sites (or stores if your area has roses). You have 4 weeks to send or order, so have fun!

Ocean Springs, MS

Opening a new thread for the Reveal.

Come on over and smell the roses!

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