Seed Purge 2014

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

5 x Albuca "Pregnant Onion"
5 x A. Curassavica "Butterflyweed"
5 x Berlandia "Chocolate Daisy"
5 x Calendula "Pacific Beauty"
5 x Feverfew "Single"
5 x Helichrysum "Double White"
5 x Gaillardia "Golden Goblet" dwarf
5 x Hollyhock "Single Black"
5 x Hollyhock "Single Pink"
5 x Hollyhock "Single Purple"
5 x Hollyhock "Single White"
5 x Marigold "Kilimanjaro White" (1 x absinthe27, 1 x midwestfarmwife)
5 x Salvia sclarea "Clary Sage"
5 x Summer Savory
5 x Sugar Peas "Dwarf Grey"
5 x Tweedia "Blue Milkweed" (1 x midwestfarmwife)
5 x Zephyranthes "Pink Rain Lily"
5 x Zinnia "Red"
5 x Zinnia "White"
5 x Zinnia "Pink/Orange"
5 x Zinnia "Orange mix"
Echium Wildpretti (1 Flinter)

Butterfly Bush
Butterfly nectar and host plants.

From others lists:
absinthe27 -
Bells of Ireland
Violet Cleome
Blue Liatris

Midwestfarmwife -
Mammoth Sunflower
Autumn Beauty Sunflower

This message was edited Oct 5, 2014 10:14 PM

This message was edited Oct 6, 2014 10:15 PM

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to drop out of this swap. I'm not able to keep up with everything at the moment and this is something I will have to forego. So sorry. Maybe next year.

Sue G

Rogers, MN(Zone 4b)

Welcome Domehomedee! I will set those seeds aside for you, and I would love to try some of your Marigold "Kilimanjaro White" if possible.

Sue - I'll remove your name from the list - sorry things didn't work out.

Jamestown, OH

Domehomedee, if you have enough, I would also like to try your Kilimanjaro White Marigold and Tweedia. I have Mammoth Sunflower and Autumn Beauty Sunflower.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

The Sunflowers would be great. Mine didn't do much this year, we had a really cool summer. Of course now that I've trashed them it has gotten hot, go figure. I did have some nice Teddy bears come up, I put them in late. Anyone have an interest in Echium wildpretti "Tower of Jewels"? It's a zone 9a - 11 biennial and just a gorgeous plant. If there's an interest I'll put some in, if not I have a friend who sells rare seed and I can send them to her to sell.

St. Annaparochie, Netherlands

Domehomedee: i i would like to try the Echium wildpretty!

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Got you down for it Flinter.

Rogers, MN(Zone 4b)

Domehomedee - I wish I could grow Tower of Jewels! I've considered moving just so I can live in a zone where it grows. Very jealous!!

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

That's really funny absinthe. It took me three tries to get some to germinate. I think it just takes really fresh seeds. I have found this to be true of some plants. Others can be decades old and still germinate (don't even ask what I germinated that someone saved in a sock drawer for decades, LOL).

Rogers, MN(Zone 4b)

I'm sure it's worth it once they start blooming! I have even considered trying them in containers and bringing them in for the winter. I have a vaulted/cathedral ceiling in my living room, and thought I could maybe wing it bringing them in, but I already have a lemon tree, fig tree, bay laurel, and hibiscus that need to come in for the winter, so I had to draw the line somewhere.

And I've definitely run into the same thing with old and new seeds. Never tried any that had been stored for more than a decade though! That's impressive!

Rogers, MN(Zone 4b)

Dee - your package arrived in the mail today.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Oh goody, that means I'm really IN doesn't it. I've been sorting seeds for fall germinating, It's gonna be fun!

Rogers, MN(Zone 4b)

FloGro - I forgot to mention it on here, but your package arrived as well.

Rogers, MN(Zone 4b)

Hi Everyone!

Just an update - return packages are going out tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!


Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Anybody receive yet?

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

I got my seeds today! This is so exciting! I'm an instant seed hoarder! Between this swap and the round robin, I am set to embark on my very first flower extravaganza! I'm not real sure but I think I should be getting ready to start them now. Is that right Dee? You're in the same zone as me.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

You should look online and see if you can find a planting guide for your area. As a rule of thumb, I start perennials on the heat mat in winter, then I move them out to my unheated greenhouse until spring comes and they are big enough to transplant. Annuals I put in a little closer to spring so the birds won't eat them. I also try to protect the seedlings from birds using plastic cups until they are no longer bite sized.
Each plant has it's own needs, I often check this site for specific germination temps. Most plants need some heat to germinate, others don't and you can just start them outside even when it's still cool. Check this site out -
I grow a lot of unusual plants so research is the key. But living in zone 9 makes success a lot easier, a least you don't have to worry that you're plants are going to freeze.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Oh, I got my seeds today! Thanks so much.

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

Wow! That's a seriously cool site! Thank you! I have a UF planting guide for veggies but not for flowers. Will have to investigate that further. I have a heat mat with a dome, a humidity meter, and a grow light. My plan is to take a set of shelves and hang lights on it. I probably have 50+ different kinds of seeds! I found a cheap plastic greenhouse at Lowe's...haven't got it yet but giving it some serious thought.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I just went to replace my gro-light today and learned they now have two sizes of flourescents. So when you go to buy light fixtures be sure to buy the one that will fit the gro-bulbs. There is a T8 and a T12, mine is a T12 (the old type) and I didn't see any gro-bulbs in the T8 type so make sure and get the right one for the bulbs you find.
I love my greenhouse. I put my seedlings in there winter through spring and grow tomatoes and melons in there in the summer.

Rogers, MN(Zone 4b)

Glad you guys have received your packages! Thank you very much to all that participated. I'm jealous that you guys get to start your growing season so soon. Sadly I won't be starting any of my new seeds for at least three months here in zone 4.

Flinter sent me a message that she received hers as well, but can't post here because her subscription just expired. She wanted to say thank you to each of you as well.

Winston Salem, NC

Received my seeds a few days ago! Thanks so much. It's like Christmas--opening the package and seeing the treasures inside. Thanks for hosting the purge!

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