First time harvest of cantaloupe and honey dew melon

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Here's my first cantaloupe and honey dew melon. I have no idea whether they were ready to harvest, but the cantaloupe slipped off the vine easily and the honey dew seems not to have changed much for a week, so I hope they will be good and sweet. Should I allow some sitting-in-the-shade-time before cutting them? I have never grown them before and really don't know what to look for as far as maximum sweetness.

Thumbnail by drdawg43
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

They are ready to eat when you press with your thumbs and there is give on the "belly button" aka stem end. At that point, enjoy or refrigerate.

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Thanks, MPL.


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