protecting squash

Decatur, GA

I have a lot of pumpkins and butternut squash in my garden now. I am worried they will be ruined sitting on the ground (it happened last year) and having things damage them from below. Is putting each squash/pumpkin on a paper plate a good idea? And would it help protect them? Paper or plastic?

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I have seen some people recommend colanders for melons, squash and pumpkins. They are usually raised a little off the ground, airy and the round pumpkin can sit in it. I imagine one can get them cheap at the dollar store or at a flea market somewhere. Just a thought.

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

I have thick straw carpeting the area where my pumpkins are growing. Will straw work too???

I don't see anything used in the big fields of pumpkins here near my home.

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