Doug fir dying?

Seattle, WA

I know the pat answer is to call an arborist, and with our large group of old-growth cedars, pines and firs, we've had plenty of them here in the past. None has ever suggested we take down our 80' Doug fir. It's limbed up quite high, as it adjoins the driveway and other garden areas. My husband is convinced the poor thing is dying, because each year more of the bottom limbs seem to be dying off. I am hoping that's just part of some other process that isn't death. Anyone else lost a big fir like this?

Camano Island, WA(Zone 8a)

I have big Doug firs, not old growth, but plenty big. Ours lose lower branches that get shaded out but the trees themselves are fine. I hope that's all that's happening with yours.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

The dropping of lower limbs is the natural habit of Doug-firs. No need to worry.

Seattle, WA

Thanks, ladies. Wish I could climb one of these big trees to whack off all the dead junk. I got quite a lot with my newest (sharpest) pole cutter, but that was just from the obligingly low branches on the cedars. The upkeep on big trees is more than worth it on the very hot days we get in summer. If I stay at home, I don't suffer at all.

Camano Island, WA(Zone 8a)

There's nothing like looking out and seeing that you are in your own private park!
I need to pull this widowmaker out of one of our trees. It got hung up and the bottom is about 8-10 feet from the ground. I think I can lasso it. Wish me luck!

Thumbnail by momlady Thumbnail by momlady
Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Yoikers momlady! Yes, good luck and safety!

Seattle, WA

I finally decided to clean up what I could with a new pole cutter. Got that scary dead limb down by undermining everything beneath it that was nasty. I always thought a good shot could send a rope up there with an arrow....

BTW, your "grounds" are so gorgeous. A green lawn? My, oh my!

Camano Island, WA(Zone 8a)

Good for you, velveteena! I know the dead limbs are natural, but they do look much nicer when cleared out. Thanks about the "grounds." We never water back there, but this year we kept getting rain at opportune times.

Thank you very much, 13Turtles! I am lazy - haven't been doing much and haven't tackled the branch. I do need to do it soon.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Well, as long as you're not holding picnics underneath -- it'll either still be there or come down on its own! Not doing anything is certainly the safest, lol.

Seattle, WA

Sheesh. I have a very dead and yucky looking pine branch, not huge, but ugly, sticking like glue to a wire in front of the house. Been there a few years now, and I don't get why nothing has blown it down yet. Will it ever rot out and lose it's grip? I don't know which wire is which, so I'm scared to go after it.

Grants Pass, OR(Zone 8a)

Take some pictures. I'd be happy to identify the wires for you.

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