Tiny cucumbers

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

I have several cucumber plants in the garden that mom gave to me this year, they are supposed to be pickling type cucumbers, according to its label and photo. average fruit size supposed to be like 4" - 5", but i am getting fruits that are staying really tiny, they reach about 2 inches long, then they apparently just stop getting any larger. they taste, and feel just fine, and arent the least bit bitter, they just arent getting the proper size.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Better than I - mine haven't made fruits yet...new bed so am noticing its still a bit nitrogen rich on mine. guess you have the mini gherkins, chuckle

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL, if anything i can make me a batch of those teeny tiny dill pickles like you see in jars in the stores ;)

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