Japanese irises

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

They are all very beautiful -Cry of Rejoice is spectacular!

Thumbnail by Pfg
(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Well, no JI yet. I do have some Germanic in pots that have buds. Seems rather late in the season for them. The Siberians (my regular ones) are very robust with broad thicker leaves. The ones I hoped and thought were JI are willowy of leaf stem. But I have to admit they do not have the flat look of JI's.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Every day brings something new to enjoy. Thanks for the pictures. I still have Darling blooming and buds on my real late bloomers. It won't be long now.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

My very last to bloom, is Higo strain, and Frilled Enchantment is still blooming. Time to clean up and pack them up to ship off to WKBG. I have really enjoyed the blooms this year. Sorry to say Frosted Plum did not make it through the winter and so it joins the other "dead" tags.

Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy
(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

So beautiful. Sorry to see them go.

Monkton, MD(Zone 6b)

I love all of your photos. Several years ago the Master Gardeners in Baltimore County got to go dig Irises and Daylilies at the old San Souci Gardens in Monkton. It had been sold and the nice people that bought it didn't want to tend Iris beds so they mowed the paths and left the beds go to weeds. Before it was to be brush hogged they let us come and dig. The experts warned us against wasting our time as they would have borers and be mislabeled. Most all of the Siberians and TBI have matched their signs. I took a few spares of them to our cabin in MI and they have just thrived here - even more so than the ones in MD that I baby spring and fall. Here are three different ones that are blooming or just finished. The first is Pixie Won species X - I nearly missed it because it is tiny and the Centaurea nearly buried it. The second is Crystal Halo and the Pink one I have no idea what it might be. Some of the irises - especially the ones that made it up to MI weren't labeled. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thumbnail by ottahand7 Thumbnail by ottahand7 Thumbnail by ottahand7
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Pink Frost

Monkton, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks so much for a name mittsy! I really appreciate it. They are still blooming, third bloom on Crystal Halo opened yesterday and the Pink Frost is getting ready to open. Finally got our badly needed rain here in the UP yesterday.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Mittsy, you were so generous with the Japanese Iris you sent me last year... I really enjoyed the ones that bloomed this spring. There are many more that did not but are growing well, and I look forward to the years of enjoyment ahead that they will provide.

Many, many thanks!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I will have more as I am just now preparing the second grouping for the WKBG. I'm so disappointed that I lost Gusto, it's such a vibrant blue that even though it is short compared to most of the others, it really stood out. My nephew had two (Greywoods Persian Dusk and Midnight Stars) bloom for him this year, so he should also have a great display next year. I think Anytus, Darling, Epimetheus, Ocean Mist and Electric Rays will be available. My memory isn't so good. I really need to write them down so I know what will be available. I'm hoping some will come back to me so I can give the entire collection to the Botanical garden. I'm still missing Caprician Butterfly, Frosted Plum, Graceful Dancer and the list is on my tradelist of wanted.
If I wasn't so tired, I'd go and get my flash drive of photos, but that ain't happening.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Just a post script to this thread.
While visiting our son and his family in Owensboro, KY we visited the WKBG and I got to see where the Japanese Iris collection was planted. They have a large pond with pseudocarus plantings at the edge. The pond supplies the windmill with water which creates the bog that the Japanese irises are planted in. I hope I will be able to visit while they are in bloom. If I can find my pictures of the windmill, I'll add them later.

Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy
(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

What a lovely spot for them! Thanks for posting the photos.

I have news, too. I've recently had an area adjacent to wetlands cleared of Flag and various other weeds, and plan to populate it with many of the JI's you gave me. They've done well in the beds, but should really, really love it there.

Thanks! Pam

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Great, but just remember that they won't survive a freeze if they are in standing water.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Ooh, that's good to know! I'll make sure to put them on dry land, far enough from the stream so they won't be. The ground water must be fairly high since the Flag put itself there, so it should still stay moist enough for the JI's.

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