Transplant a sourwood tree

Flowery Branch, GA

I would like to transplant a 15 foot sourwood tree, how should I do this?

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

icu2-I have never transplanted one, but since nobody else has given advice I will try.

I too am a fan of Sourwood. I am currently growing two that were grown from cuttings by a local nurseryman. However, because they were started from side shoots they grow sideways (some tree cuttings do this). So right now I am trying to start seeds.

I have been reading up on Sourwood for the past few years. I can't now recall where I read that it's the devil to get started, but easy once it gets going. Here is a link to an article about Sourwood from your State University! They say transplanting is difficult, because of the extensive roots. They recommend planting ones grown in a container.

Should you want to try anyway, you might get new sprouts from the old roots and so have two trees.

Here is another link, this one gives instructions on how to do it. For trees, they need to be "root pruned" at least once, possibly several times, starting a season before the transplant date. This report tells you how big a root ball to get, based on the trunk size. It sounds like you will need heavy equipment.

Or you could just send $8 to the Arbor Day Foundation, and they will mail you a sapling! Probably summer is not the best time to do this.

good luck and please report back how it worked (or didn't).

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