Hydrangea disease or bugs?

MacDonald, PA

I have a six year old Hydrangea that up until this year has been healthy. It is from Endless Summer. I'm in zone 6a.

I noticed in the last week or two that it has a blackish brown spot. It starts at the edges.

I'm not sure if it's a bug (I found a small black and green beetle on it today) Or a mildew or fungus. At first I thought fungus but now I'm leaning toward insects since it's not powdery or noticeably mildewy.

Help! Please. What's happening and how can I stop it?

Thumbnail by PA_Primrose Thumbnail by PA_Primrose
Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Did you look at the underside of the leaves? That's where most (common) insects will be found. We have had so much rain this spring that I have seen more insects on my tropical plants' leaves than I have ever seen before. Most have been mealy bugs and white flies but these insects are never found on the top of the leaves.


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