Could this be a variety of amaranth?

Lancaster, CA

I received this seed in trade.

I have grown Elephant head amaranth in the past but I don't remember the foliage and I've also got a different variety of amaranth growing in another location, the foliage doesn't look much like this.

This looks almost like Shiso, but doesn't have the aroma. This was described as red edible leaved. To be grown more for the edible foliage than the seed head. The leaves are 1-1.5" long heavily veined and thick. The seed head is just beginning to form.

Any ideas?


Thumbnail by dsrtgdn
(Becky), Lipan, TX(Zone 7b)

Looks like it could be Amaranthus hypochondriacus, although not sure which cultivar. You could wait for the seed head to form and narrow it down from there. They are commonly grown for their foliage and grain, rather than solely a grain crop like most amaranth.

Here's a link to the species in PF:

Good luck :)

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