nightblooming cereus ( christ in the manger)

Kaplan, LA

My night blooming cereus has spots on the leaves that are turning black and some small leaves are actually falling off. Can anyone tell me what is causing this and what I can do about it? I sure hope I can save my plant from dying. thanks!

Thumbnail by mvashley1
Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm not sure of the specific problem but it looks like it might be a fungal infection of some sort. You may want to consider treating with a systemic fungicide.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

This type of plant hates soggy wet feet. Be sure to use well draining soil.

Dallas, TX

There were pictures on Facebook of epis with black 'spots'. Here's a summary of what 2 growers seem to think.

Possibly a kind of bacteria/fungus that attack plants having a genetic defect that makes them prone to black spots.

Too much fertilizer can damage a plant, leading to a weakened defense system and thus to damages.

Neither grower offered a cure or fix.

Just saying.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I have a red flowered Epi blooming like crazy right now, rarely if ever have I fertilized. So that seems to agree with advice to limit fertilizer.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Epi as in epimedium?

Dallas, TX

Epis as in epiphyllum which is easier to shorten to 'epi' than to remember correct spelling.

sallyg: keep me in mind if you ever have any extra cuttings from your red-flowered epi. would be glad to pay postage and maybe a little for your trouble. don't really have anything to trade. well, that might not be true. i have a NOID epi and a 'leaf' just broke off about a week ago. or could maybe come up with something other than an epi but don't know if i have anything for your zone.

Now that I think about it, when I lived in Austin, Tx, my XDH and I had 6 or 7 or more (no memory) epis. He was in charge of 'em and I kinda think he fed them a lot. Maybe it has to do with the type of fertilizer. He'd use whatever we had around the house which would typically be Liquid Seaweed either with or without Fish Emulsion, Medina Hasta-Grow, and various other organic fertilizers. I dunno. As I said, 'no memory'.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

yes tx, Epiphyllum. Seq, I got mine from Gitagal.
Tx. I'll dmail you.
; ^)

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