Standards to go by when trying to create new cultivar?

West Babylon, NY(Zone 7a)

So let's say I'm trying to create a new cultivar of flower, let's say Sunflower for arguments sake.
Where do you find the standards for each kind of flower, like what shape of leaves, size, disease resistance? Like purebred dogs have standards, if you want your cultivar to be sold at nurseries where do find guidelines for what qualities the flower should have, and how do you try to make your cultivar officially recognized and patent it as you being the breeder?

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Seems like if you "created" a new super flower/plant that it would stand on its own merit. It may not get around the country with the speed of the big name growing houses but if it was truly a standout, they'd either be knocking on your door or try to create their own with what they have that comes close (I can think of an example or two when it comes to begonias).

If you try to patent it, it may be more expensive than you think and take more time than its worth (unless you are one of those giant growing firms). I understand most amateurs don't have the money to do that so they release their hybrids to a society or among friends and family.

A lot folks may shun a plant that is patented if they knew they are prohibited from propagating it for their own use. To get recognized for a plant would probably only apply to that plant's society or a plant magazine, etc. The buying public could care less about who bred what.

Seems like the guidelines are what you and others would consider worthwhile in a plant - it could be the most beautiful plant in the world but if it takes a $10,000 set up to grow it, then I doubt you would sell many. If it is beautiful and easy to grow, disease resistant, drought resistant then it would probably be in a lot of people's yards and/or homes. I'd say the only guidelines are the ones of biology.

I wonder how the orchid society keeps up with all the crosses out there...

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