Iochroma Cyaneum

Lansing, MI

Hi, I'm currently trying to grow a few Iochroma Cyaneum from seedlings and I'm having a tough time getting seeds to germinate. I've been using Gibberellic Acid to try to get them to break dormancy, but I'm wondering if anyone has tried scarification or cold stratification with any success? I was also curious about growing conditions. I can put them in an area where they'll get full sun or a more shaded area, and was hoping to find out which would be best? Thanks!

Rancho Santa Rita, TX(Zone 8a)

Welcome to Daves.

I a sorry I cant answer your question, but there
are two forums where you might get more help :

Tropical Gardening and Seed Starting. They
are available only to people with paid membership,
which costs just $20 per year, but is really worth it.

There are many truly helpful and knowledgeable
members here !

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