Hyssop problems

Dayton, OH

I found a question about this on the Internet in 2007, so someone has probably already answered it, but I can't find the answer. I have hyssop plants growing in my garden bed. They did great last year and came on strong this Spring. All of a sudden the plants have developed brown stems and have started wilting and dying. What is wrong? Pest or disease or too much rain, etc?

Thanks for your help

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

If you are in a location that went though much colder than usual temperatures this winter, your plants may have suffered root and crown damage.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Ohio got a few zone buster temps over the winter, it is very likely that wasn't good for them. I do believe that your area got a hard freeze in the middle of April as well. That could have zapped the tender new growth also. Do you have pictures of said plants?

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