Your neck of the Woods Part 9 Easter Bonnet

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Getting long again, so we came from here:

Thumbnail by Ric_of_MAF
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Ric, we missed you at the sorting party! Hope you're feeling better today.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

thanks for the new thread. I cannot believe you found a giraffe with flowers on her head! Hope whatever it was, you feel OK.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Been trying too hard to get the garden in shape, so we were off to the surgeon again. He said slow down, wear my brace, and take all these awful pills with names you can't pronounce and side effects I don't want to think about. I'll get another break driving Josh and Cort to Atlanta, Wednesday. We're planning to visit the botanical garden, aquarium, underground, and possibly the Centennial Olympic Park. Looks like our trips off, figures once I mention it , it goes flop. LOL
Jan, I'm fighting the same kinda thing. The excess bearded iris that were tucked into the garden so long ago have become over run with wire grass. I'm moving the iris to another temp spot for the fall swap so we can get the colors right and remove most of the wire grass. I have definitely been remiss in allowing that pest into the veggie garden, it is so hard to get rid of.

This message was edited Apr 26, 2014 12:22 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

If anybody wants some grass-specific herbicide that's safe to use on irises, LMK... I picked up an extra for 50 cents at a fall clearance. I can't fight weeds by hand this year, so I'm doing some garden chemo like that.

Jim & Joyanna will be holding down the fort for a few days. I'm off to Pittsburgh! :-)

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I think this is a link to a pic to it. I'll need to look up wire grass.

We went camping for two nights. This morning I found a tick on me. ICK!! I also took a header off my bike. Cuts, but nothing broken. Thankful!!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We have wire grass, looks just like that Quack grass a real pain to get rid of. I was told that we would never get rid of it and we still do have it but some areas are pretty clean.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh, we have lots of that in the lawn; I haven't bothered to control it....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Wow Jan, some angel threw a cushion down for you..glad that wasn't worse! Yeah ticks, UGH, we've found several already.

Wire grass, quack, whatever, we have that too and its horrible, it eats up the edge of the asphalt driveway and goes through the gardens. You have to be sure you dig deep under them to try and get as much root as possible. And cross your fingers, and pray....

Good luck and safe travels to Josh and Courtney, are they hiking all the way back to PA?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

No they are doing 1 month probably will be picked up somewhere in Tennessee. I think that they originally wanted to get to Virginia but decided to take it a bit slower so they have plenty of time to enjoy the hike and not feel that pressure to push on to make extra millage.

Jan, Glad you aren't hurt, done that a few times myself, no fun. Bet you will be sore for a few days.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

This is my second day of wearing my brace and the new meds. XfingersX It's seems to be a notable difference/improvement. The last time I saw my surgeon, I guess when he said, "You can't hurt it", he meant the fusion not me. I'll have to hang up my Superman PJs and play by new rules. In spite of playing nice the work is progressing, just slower.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Glad you are feeling better Ric! :-)

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm really glad the brace and new drugs are working well for you Ric, just sorry to hear about having to hang up the Superman PJ's. ;) (were they footies??) < =D

Had fun out watering everything today after potting up Caladiums and Lemongrass and assorted seeds (Oh My!). The Irises are really coming along, and some of 'em are reeeally tall!! More buds to be found now, too! :)

Nice shaded shot of most of the taller ones.

Thought this one was cool.. I like how it's all lavender-looking around the edges. Unless I'm mistaken, it should bloom yellow.

Thumbnail by speediebean Thumbnail by speediebean
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Very nice! It will be exciting when they bloom! I think I need to look for lemongrass.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

We now have lemon grass where I work - come visit me and get some!! < =D

Oh, Lookie! A Gita-style HD bucket! < =D

Thumbnail by speediebean
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh it would be nice to have an excuse to visit you Speedie-- wish my daughter would have a tournament down your way! :-)

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Will just pray for more wins for her so her gaming endeavours will bring her farther South. =)

Oh yeah, aren't we all supposed to be loosely planning a "Visit Speedie In Her Newly Improved Nursery" group visit anyhow?? < =D

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Didn't Superman's have booties?

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes, but they hid the footie part of his PJ's! < =D

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

That sounds like it would be a great group field trip! :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm sorry, but I don't want a field trip to Superman's PJ footies.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

That was my thought too, Ric. No need to visit them; here they are. Hanger sold separately. Glad you're feeling better.

Group visit to Speedy's on the condition that she makes it to the swap. :-)

Thumbnail by ecnalg
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Speedie, I went looking for lemongrass today but couldn't find it anywhere. I need to visit you at work!!! :)

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh my gosh Ric, Ecnalg has your PJ's!!! < =D

Yes Ssg, you definitely need to come visit me for lemongrass! You ALL should, really-- not just for the lemongrass, but the general "Oooh" and "Aaah" factor as well. Ooooh, and Sally, you should see how different is it now, you'll be amazed!! < =D More will be happening this late-Fall and Winter... no more beds; the boss' idea is to have nothing but "gardens" and "playground" full of sellable plants. Wheeee!!!!! < =D

Will be checking today with The Bosses about approval of my day off. Fingers and toes crossed! =)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Ric and Ecnalg--what, you don't want a field trip to superman's pj's?? ;-)

yes, field trip to Speedie's on condition she makes the group swap!! :-) Fingers crossed today for the talk with The Bosses. And save me some of that lemongrass, too!! :-D

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh my goodness -- did you catch this video? Scroll down and play the video on the page. It is only a minute and a half long.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh My Gawd~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! watch to the end.
I hope and pray no one was trying to grab anything from a vehicle at that moment.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

As my husband was watching the beginning of this video, he told me in that authoritative way that he occasionally uses, that the owner of the car who was talking should have gone over to the car to push his car out of danger. I bit my tongue. I only had to wait a few seconds for him to be proven mistaken! Seldom is it so easy.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

yikes. well, I guess the moral of the story is, if you see a row of parked cars beginning to sink into the ground, watch from a safe distance!! :-o Sure hope insurance covers the loss for those affected.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

only rarely in life can you actually watch the moment that something goes from worrisome to disastrous!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

WOW! Thank goodness no one was hurt.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy LOL! Thank God people didn't try to save their cars or get things out of them. Maybe the police officer helped good sense prevail.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

No kidding! Good sense is so often in short supply!

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Wow, pretty amazing video! The Earth is so mysterious.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's the Video from WBAL TV--showing the beginnings of the cleanup.

All the rubble collapsed on top of train tracks. This train is the only one that transports
stuff from the shipping lanes to their destinations---so I heard.

Never a dull moment in Baltimore.....G.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Wow, that poor fellow said that his insurance wasn't going to cover the damage. That's ridiculous! What good is insurance if it doesn't cover against things like that. Does that mean that all Hurricane Sandy vehicles weren't covered because that was an act of God?

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

My friend works in an insurance office and has told me that "acts of God" are definitely NOT covered. Areas affected by Hurricane Sandy were declared to be a disaster zone or a state of emergency or something like that. When that happens, I think Uncle Sam foots the bill for damage.

It's an insane video!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Can you get an "Act of God" rider? I understand that insurance companies can be leveled if an entire community is struck -- but really, that's why I get insurance, and I wouldn't mind paying more for that protection. What differentiates a street falling in from a tree falling on my car (I assume the latter is covered)? In either case, I'm in the same fix....

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

In this morning's News--seems they have cleared off the RR tracks and
the cargo is moving.
They are going to erect a sort of retaining wall to keep more of the dirt
from collapsing. Residents of the houses will not be able to return until this is done.

I would worry about things running in my house and not being able to get to them.

There was also a man interviewed who said that they have been reporting
issues with the road buckling and water issues as far back as 1998.
Obviously--no one took it too seriously....the crews would come out--check things--
and leave.

ALL those streets in and around downtown are SOOOO old--as are the water pipes below.
They have been patching up road cave-ins forever. Mostly--the water manes breaking
many feet under the streets.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I think someone is heard on the first video , saying they had complained previously. "Aging infrastructure" strikes again.

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