North Creek General Perennial Group Buy May Delivery Wrap-Up

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

This is a new thread to wrap up the odds/ends of flats from North Creek for the General Perennial focus that weren't available for delivery the week of 04/21. As in the original group buy guidelines, this second delivery will occur during the week of 05/19 and be available to participants at the Spring Swap at my home in Lucketts on 05/31.

From my notes, the odds/ends to wrap up are as follows:

General perennial focus:
Asarum canadense
Helleborus 'Brandywine'
Pachysandra procumbins
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem'
Fern assortment

Edited 04/25 to add:
Here is the final status of the odds/ends of flats from North Creek for the General Perennial focus that weren't available for delivery the week of 04/21.

I will wrap up the group buy by providing those flats that are confirmed on order for 05/19 delivery.

I will excuse myself from any further effort pursuing those flats that are unavailable for 05/19 delivery. Coleup has indicated that she has Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' and the remaining ferns from the Fern Assortment on reserve with her North Creek account, so there is a potential to still obtain these from her. If you are interested, please contact her directly as she will solely coordinate guidelines, purchase, payment, and delivery to DG participants.

The google spreadsheet will be updated accordingly.

Confirmed on Order for 05/19 Delivery:
Asarum canadense / 32 / happy full flat
Dryopteris erthrosora 'Brilliance' / 32 / happy full flat
Helleborus 'Brandywine' / 18 / critter 2, happy 10, sequoia 6
Helleborus 'Brandywine' / 18 / ssg 5, terp 3, yehudith 10
Polystichum acrostichoides / 32 / happy full flat (last minute drop from 04/21 - paid in full)
Polystichum acrostichoides / 32 / happy full flat (last minute drop from 04/21 - paid in full)

Not available for 05/19 Delivery:
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' / 32 / aspen 1/4, catmint 1/4, coleup 1/4, greenthumb 1/4
Pachysandra procumbins / 32 / critter 1/4, greenthumb 1/4, muddy 1/2
Ferns from the Fern Assortment:
aspen 2/10, catmint 1/10, critter 2/10, greenthumb 2/10, holly 1/10, terip 1/10, yehudith 1/10
-Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red'
-Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red'
-Athyrium x Branford Rambler
-Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
-Dryopteris goldiana

This message was edited Apr 26, 2014 9:03 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I wanted to thank everyone for a great day, Very nice meeting Muddy, Catmint and Yehudith.
It was great seeing both SSG and Happy's lovely gardens.
I got beautiful plants and a wonderful dinner.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

It was so nice to meet you also Holly! :-)

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm sorry I couldn't make it. I bit off more than I could chew yesterday and had a long day moving plants getting ready for the FONA sale. If you find yourself at FONA (The National Arboretum Sale) on Saturday stop by and visit me at White's Azaleas.

I would also like to invite everyone out to the nursery in Germantown, MD for a meet-up and DG discount day. Details can be found here.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Those Silver Gem Viola were sooo cute! I'm going to see about getting a whole flat next fall/spring, or whenever they next have the 50 size plugs... adding a whole flat of 72 might be more than I can baby along. LOL

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

They are beauteeeful.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I think I'm down for some of the silver gem for the may shipment.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

When I checked the North Creek availability for Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' this morning, there is only 1 72 plug size flat left available for 05/19. The 32 plug size flat is not available until 06/23. Greenthumb, Catmint, and I are down for the 32 plug size flat. I much prefer that size to the smaller 72 plug size, and am willing to pay the shipping charges for it (i.e. not going to the distribution center to pick up a single flat). Greenthumb and Catmint, please let me know if you want to keep your 1/4% interest for the later delivery of the 32 plug size or cancel.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

June delivery of the 32 size works for me, Aspen--thanks!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Critter, do you want in on 1/4% interest for the 32 plug size flat of Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' that I will be ordering for shipment in June?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Do we know the per flat charge for shipping just 1 or 2 flats? If it's not too high, I'd like to see if I could add a second flat of Silver Gem... I'm willing to share with anybody else (SSG?) who wants some. I'd rather have the larger size, too. and I think I remember some add'l hellebores that finished by the June date also... I'd also be happy if I could hold a flat for fall.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

yes please, I'd happily go in for a quarter flat!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey, do I hear Silver Gem calling my name?

Here I am! :)

I'd be happy with quarter flat as well. Maybe even a half flat!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Silver Gem whispering: "Ter-r-r-i-i-i, come g-e-t-t m-e-e-e! I'm w-a-a-i-t-i-n-g for youuuuu!" :-D

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll happily get more Silver Gem if needed to fill up a flat. Let us know what the delivery price is -- I might do the drive if delivery is exhorbitant.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooh! road trip!! Terri DID comment that Mt. Cuba was out that direction...

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Mt. Cuba! :D

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I also wouldn't kick any more Espresso out if there were a hankering for more.... It is so lovely that there has been a run on my bank of them!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

maybe we need to get more of the geranium espresso? ;-)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

At least 5 of the flats spoken for and ordered from North Creek for pick up week of 5/19 and available at Spring Swap are not available for Terri to reorder (or in a different size only).

All of these flats are currently on order and available from North Creek under the same two separate POs as those already picked and divyed up, available from them 5/12-5/19 in time for Swap.

Re: Viola 'Silver Gem'
Currently on order with North Creek are two flats of the 32 size only one of which has been spoken for by some of you (Aspen, Catmint, myself, and Greenthumb 1/4 each) and as I anticipated one that could be easily spoken for as I knew there would be additional interest once people saw them!! Also on same order is a flat of 72's .

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

What are the other "General Perennial" category flats you have on order from North Creek for pick up week of 5/19 besides Viola 'Silver Gem'?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I have to admit to being a little confused.

Am I right that the only trays Terri is still on board to deliver (this second delivery will occur during the week of 05/19 and be available to participants at the Spring Swap at Terri's home in Lucketts on 05/31):
Asarum canadense
Helleborus 'Brandywine'
Pachysandra procumbins
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem'
Fern assortment

I'll ask on Coleup's thread what perennials Coleup is still delivering. My understanding is that I'll still pay only Terri for everything I have ordered.

If I have this wrong, let me know and I'll correct this post.

I hope in future purchases we can go back to having only one host. This has all been hard to follow, as much as I appreciate the hard work put in by both Terri and Judy.

And I retract my hint that AspenHill order more Geranium Espresso -- I had forgotten how complicated this has gotten and don't want to add to that!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from aspenhill :
What are the other "General Perennial" category flats you have on order from North Creek for pick up week of 5/19 besides Viola 'Silver Gem'?

Aspenhill, They are the flats you listed as "Unaccounted for-Unavailable for 04/21 pick up " on your spread sheet pluss the Viola 'Silver Gem" as stated above, The Hellebores'Brandywine'. and one flat of Onocleea (fern),. There are also 3 flats of backordered items that might be construed as non general perennials and may end up being canceled any way.

I'd hate to cancell anything on my PO that you are not able to easily add to yours. LMK

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from happy_macomb :
I have to admit to being a little confused.

Am I right that the only trays Terri is still on board to deliver (this second delivery will occur during the week of 05/19 and be available to participants at the Spring Swap at Terri's home in Lucketts on 05/31):
Asarum canadense
Helleborus 'Brandywine'
Pachysandra procumbins
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem'
Fern assortment

I'll ask on Coleup's thread what perennials Coleup is still delivering. My understanding is that I'll still pay only Terri for everything I have ordered.

If I have this wrong, let me know and I'll correct this post.

I hope in future purchases we can go back to having only one host. This has all been hard to follow, as much as I appreciate the hard work put in by both Terri and Judy.

And I retract my hint that AspenHill order more Geranium Espresso -- I had forgotten how complicated this has gotten and don't want to add to that!

Happy, on Terri's spread sheet the orders for you under her PO are to the best of my knowledge , the Assarum. Dryopteris 'Brilliance' (Both for full flats of 32's) and 10 Helebores 'Brandywine' with 2 going to Critter and 6 to Sequoia of a full flat of 18. I believe the Pachysandra is not available until 9/1 but Terri would be able to better answer this.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Here is the final status of the odds/ends of flats from North Creek for the General Perennial focus that weren't available for delivery the week of 04/21.

I will wrap up the group buy by providing those flats that are confirmed on order for 05/19 delivery.

I will excuse myself from any further effort pursuing those flats that are unavailable for 05/19 delivery. Coleup has indicated that she has Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' and the remaining ferns from the Fern Assortment on reserve with her North Creek account, so there is a potential to still obtain these from her. If you are interested, please contact her directly as she will solely coordinate guidelines, purchase, payment, and delivery to DG participants.

This information will be consolidated on the top post for handy reference and the google spreadsheet will be updated accordingly.

Confirmed on Order for 05/19 Delivery:
Asarum canadense / 32 / happy full flat
Dryopteris erthrosora 'Brilliance' / 32 / happy full flat
Helleborus 'Brandywine' / 18 / critter 2, happy 10, sequoia 6
Helleborus 'Brandywine' / 18 / ssg 5, terp 3, yehudith 10
Polystichum acrostichoides / 32 / happy full flat (last minute drop from 04/21 - paid in full)
Polystichum acrostichoides / 32 / happy full flat (last minute drop from 04/21 - paid in full)

Not available for 05/19 Delivery:
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem' / 32 / aspen 1/4, catmint 1/4, coleup 1/4, greenthumb 1/4
Pachysandra procumbins / 32 / critter 1/4, greenthumb 1/4, muddy 1/2
Ferns from the Fern Assortment:
aspen 2/10, catmint 1/10, critter 2/10, greenthumb 2/10, holly 1/10, terip 1/10, yehudith 1/10
-Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red'
-Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red'
-Athyrium x Branford Rambler
-Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
-Dryopteris goldiana

This message was edited Apr 26, 2014 9:04 PM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

AspenHill -- that is perfect -- just what I needed to know.

Coleup -- Can you do the same kind of chart on the Waystation thread as AspenHill did in her post immediately above, to clarify what you are taking care of and when it will be available? Thanks.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy et al, I have posted an update over here

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

So I have a number of things on the 5/19 order, and then that's it for me. Yay! AspenHill -- I'd be happy to do the 5/19 pickup if you like -- JLMK. The plants are gorgeous.

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