Brugmansias in autumn 2014

West of Brisbane, Australia

Finally, this climber has germinated in my garden. I think it is Solanum seaforthianum, and it's pretty enough but I think it might be invasive.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Another look at my large (long, not Squatty) seedling with the intense perfume.
Bottoms up!

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

Squatty Bottom (Great name LOL ) cute Brug cestrum.

Well here is Sweet Jaffa from Jean, just opened, so the real colour isn't here yet (or maybe it stays pale here (full sun). It's very cute. 50% 6 pointers.
Thanks Jean !


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West of Brisbane, Australia

Very pretty. Even though it's not related, it reminds me of Butterbomb, which I think is a greatly underrated brug.
Squatty Bottom!!! Almost worth registering it just to get the name out there and make people chuckle as much as I did! You have the gift of naming, Chrissy :-)
Some more of the early (i.e. pre-overseas crosses) seedlings flowering now. The orange one in both pics has lost its label but is almost certainly another Aztec Gold seedling (possibly Bucks Fizz). The white one is definitely an Aztec Gold seedling (pollen donor unknown, according to the label) and will be getting the chop when I get around to it. As will most of the others, eventually.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Odd how this website insists on putting the photo of that ugly white seedling in the middle of the two orange ones, regardless of the order in which I upload the images.
Finally, there's another of those blooms with cut petals on the white suaveolens, one among at least a hundred normal ones. Something to do with the growing conditions, I guess. (And the camera has just restarted images at 01, which means I've now taken 40,000 photos with it!)

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Clifton Springs, Australia

Now that the cooler weather has started, it's nice to come here for some Brug chat....
The way conversations jump around on FB, I get dizzy.....
Marmaduke looks interesting Colleen, love the name, is it for Marmaduke mouse?

Cestrum, I find that here that my cream doubles turn the prettiest yellow and peach in cool annoys me when the singles do it, but the doubles are lovely...
Luckily your Topsy ( EP x ?) which now goes by the flash name of Platinum Blonde, only gets a touch of apricot .....most of the flowers stay that pure white....thank goodness...

Here are a couple of summer and winter colour changes...

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger

Hi everyone

Y'all have some very lovely flowers their. I hope y'all are not getting to cold their.

Good Day


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Cestrum, Hi there sorry for the late return to DG
i have been bizzy with FB and work in general and thought i had lost my account details to here
i have have grown out a number of your seeds and have some outstanding plants from them
1: (white) suaveolens x.?
2: Golden Butter x.(Joli x.Angel Flight) you mentioned that the you were not sure about the cross of the dad and i would have to agree with you as this is so Hugh its like 45cm long and has a very nice apricot color

I thank you for the seed supplied
i was shocked to find this pink double + in the suaveolens x? and thought that what you sent me was a great catch and a bit of a shame that you also throw the seed & seedlings out of the suaveolens cross as you thought that you would get all white. i have had 2 other seedling bloom from the same seed batch which also were white but then mouth was very open but not of interest.

Just like some of the different seed batched we have chrissy sent me a lot listed as ((Star Dancer x.?) x.?) x.GHA she didnt also grow any out thinking that this cross would produce white but god dam Chrissy was so wrong with it i have not had a single white bloom from this cross the lightest color is a pale apricot but moved to orange & deep Pink in there.

I see that your back in the garden with the Brugs and there doing very well for you and there coming in to bloom which im sure is deserving for you as you have had such a pain with all the dry weather and then Bugs, your got some very amazing blooms in the post previous to mine!

Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan
West of Brisbane, Australia

Hey Shaun, that double pink suaveolens seedling is a little beauty. I think I used overseas pollen from that one (from Full Rosea Magic)? I haven't seen many suaveolens doubles, esp. not a pink double. It's a bit special, I think.

The BFAs seem to produce as many apricot seedlings as does Old Apricot itself. BTW, I think we should stop recording it as a (Joli x AF) seedling as I'm almost certain that it isn't!

Meanwhile, one of my other overseas seedlings (ColorPoint x Apricot Queen) is throwing a mix of blooms, ranging from single to recessed-double to fully double, from white to apricot tinged--all in the same flush. Perhaps it will settle down later. This is only its second flush. PS: All the images shown are from the same plant, including the double white in the rear of the first photo.

This message was edited Jun 16, 2014 12:57 PM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

Some really nice pics cestrum, what about Shaun and that double pink of yours huh, quite a surprise huh ?

If anyone is wanting to know where the Winter thread is it's

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