(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


NEW CHAT Thread for show & Tell & Your Thank You's .
come on over :)))
come on over :))))


Sign up ENDS APRIL 30 TH


1 IF you played in APRIL I Have your Mailing ADDRESS IF You Are New to

2. Send 3-4 NICE SIZE Well ROOTED , Plants QT SIZE , IF You Would Like to send
More plants , Seeds, Bulbs , Gardened decor , that is up to you.

3. If you send DL 's (Daylilies) They Must Be Double fan & Fairly Mature .

4. Please Look over your partners WISH list see if you might be able to send one or two
plants on their list . IF Not that is ok . do not order a plant Just because .

5. YES You MAY SEND House plants ONLY If you Know Your Partner is into House
Plants .

Please check to Be sure the plants you are sharing will grow in your partners ZONE .

if you would like to know best way to pack a special plant ask someone can help you here.

Hope you Join us :)

This message was edited Apr 25, 2014 6:03 PM

This message was edited May 5, 2014 12:01 PM

Thumbnail by deejay9
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)



This message was edited Apr 30, 2014 7:17 PM

Ocean Springs, MS

Sign me up, please! Thanks, Julie

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Sign me up..... Happy Earth Day to everyone


Sign me up please :)

Elk Horn, KY

sign me up please:)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gottcha all will add your names to the top later this eve when I get back home . Little windy & cool here so figured I'd go visit my big sister today . BBL

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

If I had plants I would be so interested in this. So I will just sit by and watch as others enjoy.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

sign me up please.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Looking forward to the plant swap, I haven't swapped plants in a long time. Perfect timing cause I am getting ready for our mg plant sale so I am digging plants anyway...LOL


Joyce its so much fun! Youll love it! :) Kathy took my virginity and it was amazing!!! Doing it again this month as proof :D

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

So good to have you back Joyce & Now we just need to get FOTV Back here with us :) sure miss her.
Like you Happ I Have been Potting up as I go then Some of my plants will be ready to go :)
It turned cold here so the last couple days I Have not worked outside much ,they say possible 60's tomorrow ,

well guess i better get busy around here you all have a great day

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Joyce... could you tell me more about what you do with potting and selling plants from the garden? What do you charge for what size pots? Are they seeded in babies or divisions or both?
I have gals from my garden club coming in June to tour my garden. I was hoping to sell some of my seedlings from this winter's inside sowing but that was a diaster this winter....(over fertilized once...ooops). So I've been making a list of perenns that I can divide or babies that seeded in last summer. So far I'm up to 46 varieties and still not done with garden cleanup to see what else I can add to the list... I just have no idea what I'm doing...lol. How long are they potted up for before you sell them? (ie...roots fill the pot to the bottom????). Pricing info please....2 1/2", quarts, and gallon sizes. I figure I'll just write their names on the Iris leaves and dig those after they have finished blooming ($3 each sound about right?). Most of these women are well to do and spend $$$$$ at the nursery every season... I just want to make sure I make it worth my while to take the time to do it... (Should be approx 30 + gals coming...)

Susie...would love info from you again too....(sorry I don't know which thread we had discussed that on last season...)

And if anyone else has ideas, they are welcomed too...thanks!

Got 2 1/2" of snow yesterday (rained first for a few hours)..most will melt off today.

And Susie sign me up for 1 trade for now, might change my mind and add another if I can get my garden cleanup done in the next few days... Will have to let you know... (Might snow again this weekend too).

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Kathy I Will Dmail you . & Happy to have you Joining us :)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Since this sale is for the master gardeners and we are really just trying to get people interested in becoming master gardeners, we sell our plants really cheaper than everyone else. Some of us dig in late summer so they are healed in before winter, then the plants get a jump start on the plants in the ground because their roots aren't cut in the spring. Does that make any sense? If I wait until spring to dig any plants I try to get it done by 3 weeks before the sale. Now we have mgs who look to me like they dig the week before the sale but I sure wouldn't recommend that. This will be the last weekend I dig for the sale. Now the general public buys from us and that is why I want to know the plant has a good root system. In a swap like this I don't worry about digging and mailing because we all know what to do and what to expect. So I guess I am not much help. We will have plants in all size of pots.

Here is a picture of one of our first sales. We now use masking tape on the outside of the pot to put the name of the plant and the price. The bigger sign you see, is where I put a picture of the plant and directions for growing since again we are selling to the general public. The general public will not buy a green plant that isn't in bloom unless they can see a picture of it blooming. The bigger signs are a pain but well worth it when it comes to sales.

Thumbnail by happgarden
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Joyce when & Where is your sale going to be held ?

6 more days to sign up here .
well off to read my farmers almanac :)))
Ya all have a great day

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I want in, please.
Now where are the haves/wants link?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

at the top is the link crystal & welcome :) will add your name to the top later :)

Island Lake, IL(Zone 5b)

I would love to join.

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Glad your joining us Andrea!~
Joyce ~ master gardeners at its finest. Great signs ~ they do make a difference and help with sales.
Kathy ~ how is the Brug coming along? And would love to be a part of the garden club visiting your garden! Do you have a nursery in your area that recycles containers? If so, ask if you can take them off their hands. If you do get some, wash them in a solution of Bleach to sterilize them, allow them to dry completely and rinse again just to make sure.
You can also make different sized planters with a mix of perennials + annuals.
If you are crafty, you can decorate the planters with floral paper, or hand paint a design to cover any writings that won't wash off. I once used washable floral wall paper (found at a garage sale) to cover the containers. Made a pattern from the gallon container and cut multiple pieces. They looked great. And it will bring the price up a little since the container can be used as a centerpiece.

Hope this helps.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Sign me up , Susie!

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Annette ~ have your Honesty (Lunaria) seeds germinated yet? Mine are up 1/2" or so.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Welcome all been chasing chicks out of breath :) my Big Chicks come right to me these babies are fast :) for this old lady . A Lady called she wanted 2 females & A male for the kids 4H club so i picked out the 3 had them ready & when the lady got here she & The kids fell in love with the little ones running in the yard with their mama .
got them they are off to a good home I HOPE :) so what a day planting -potting-pulling weeds ,chasing chicks ready to crash ya all have a good night off to have sup & Sit back :)

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

SPG-The Honesty seeds are just now starting to germinate. I think it was too cold where I had them, but I have moved them to a warmer location so maybe that will speed up the process. I had a couple of flats of various seeds that were on an outside north wall that are sprouting much slower than the rest.
I need to build another heat mat for germinating seeds. I have run out of room...again. But I finally got some echinacea seed to germinate,for some reason , I could not get them to germinate, even after stratification.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Joyce..wow, that's too organized for me...lol. I was figuring on digging and potting things up, putting in a tag with the name.. That's about it.. No tables just on the ground.. LOL, guess I'm gonna be lazy. Just digging and potting will be quite the chore. There's just soooooo much that I have to divide. (And I have to make sure I keep some for trades and for my backyard which still needs to be finished yet.. Yikes!!!!!!

Ric, Brugs are doing great. They're under lights indoors.. I'll keep them inside til mid May atleast..... s'pose to get a few inches of snow and rain mix on Sunday, and maybe more Mon., Tues., Wed. that's what happens when you live at 68-6900 feet. And yes, there's a nursery where I dumpster dive...lol. I have soooooooooooo many pots and every time I go there I do it again... Lol, I was there today.. I did manage to grab a bunch of trays... The 2 1/2" pots I like for indoor seeding were at the bottom so I'll have to wait a week or so til things begin to get filled up. I have about a thousand or so of 1 gallon pots, a hundreds of quarts, some 2,3 5 and 10 gallons sized too probably a few 15 gallon sized are in the bunch.. I've learned to enjoy dumpster diving..lol!!! Not sure if I'll cover them with anything...time constraints might prevent me from doing so...but most of the gals know that I dumpster dive there as I've told them about it... In fact many bring their pots to me at our meetings.. (How bad is that?! LOL) And then to boot, I'll ask them to recycle the pots with me......want my stash back!!!! Ya just never know when you might need a pot....lol. I have more than 200 sitting on the driveway filled with Iris that I dug last summer, and are now waiting for me to get their new bed ready for planting... Wanna help!?????!! (PS...I don't even wash them (pots that is), just don't have the time. I've already spent 6 or 7 days cleaning up the border and am only half way done, then I have to go back thru and weed... so nope, no time for decorating pots...)

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Lowes recycles pots and flats. I get them there quite often, and I don't have to dumpster dive. They are on a rack inside the Garden Center. If you have a Lowes home center nearby, it's a alternative source.

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi Susie -- sign me up for the May swap please......with the way things are going (no daffodils yet nor crocus) I think I'll be able to do one box - I hope everything grows between now and the end of May! Susie - do you still have my address?

This message was edited Apr 26, 2014 7:39 PM

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

I guess I will do 2 swaps. I have a lot of things I can share :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Ali : I Lost my Address list when i had to redo my computer but now i have a better system to hold the Addresses fo if you will send it again I will put it back in my file :)))) TY

Annette : got ya down for 2 TY

been outside allll day with 2 brothers sure got allot done & I am whipped so off to the shower & Grab a wine cooler so I can come back to get caught up or maybe wait till morning to read the rest we will see. Just in case i don't make it back .
GN all :)))

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Please count me in for 1 swap!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gottcha Kim
where else can you add so many new type of plants to your gardens JUST FOR the cost of Postage :) My face is so Burnt from the sun & wind yesterday I feel like I'm running a fever I alway put on sunscreen before i go out & Of all days I Forgot yesterday :(

This is what I worked on yesterday I Had to build up the dirt around the foundation it gets washed away when it rains so my brothers are putting up rain gutters this next week after the rains :( Away figured as long as i have to build it us I Would put Rocks there to help hold it in :) My SIL helpped me with this while the guys put up my New chicken run . & Tilled the New Garden :) so it was a very busy day . still have many more rocks to add
this is far from done . & I'm a slow worker :)

Now I Need to ID a plant I Know it Must have been a Bulb I Planted last fall but there is no name tag so maybe someone can tell me what this is . when growing it looked like a Pinapple unfolding :) & Now it has flower buds at the top. there is 2 of them

& just a couple type of my Daff's :) well my chicks are hungry so BBL

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

OOOOOh, susie's got a new flower bed to fill!!! LOL. Daffs sure are pretty and sorry no id here on the first pix.

Snowing here at the moment., ground is all white now...Almost finished cleaning the border yesterday..stil about 2 hours left to finish getting the old stuff off. Then I'll have to go back thru and weed....... Long day yesterday cuz I knew the snow/rain was coming in and will be here for another 3 days....( 9 hours in the garden, boy was I pooped...lol. Slept like a log last night....sure am glad I started doing stretching a few weeks ago....). When the weather clears I'll do weeding REAL quick and then start digging and dividing and potting up, Need to hit H.D. for a couple bales of peatmoss... Gotta get ready for the trading season. Spent Friday afternoon cleaning up my daughter's garden and I spied a few things that need dividing too...(shhhhhh..lol).

Yes nanny, I hit Lowes and H.D. too. Sometimes even Wallyworld.

Ok, now I have to spend the day potting up seedlings and starting some more annuals..you all have a great day. Kathy

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Sign me up Susie. I know I'm late....
Your photo looks like a Fritillaria-maybe Fritillaria persica.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)


This message was edited Apr 27, 2014 6:55 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thank you alana I Planted many Bulbs last fall But didn't know what 1/2 of they were . just stuck them in the ground :)

3 days left to sign up .

off the Feed mill befor the wind & rain moves in .
for all of you in the path of the southern Storms Please get to a safe place . keep you all in our T's & P's they say 40-50 mph winds here today . we will see .

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Sorry Susie, I just can't do it this month either. Everything is so slow getting started this year, and I've had a lot of other distractions which have kept gardening on the back burner. But it looks like you have plenty of players, so it should be a great swap :-)



(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


I WILL BE Working the trade partners today , this is the hardest part for me of these swaps .
I have a few other friends I thought i would ask if they want to join so back later

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks DJ9 you do a great job!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

FAVOR : If there is someone you would like to send to or rec, from Please let me know by dmail it will help me allot .

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Susie make it easy on yourself. I love this swap.

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