Pesticides on Edible Flowers?

Lynchburg, VA

I bought some Pansies about three weeks ago at a local grocery store. I found a Shortbread Cookie recipe a few days later that uses edible Pansies. Most likely the Pansies I bought were treated with pesticides before they arrived to the grocery store. My question is, now that I've had the pansies for three weeks, are the pesticides still in the Pansies especially the new growth? I would like to use the Pansies for my cookies but not if they still contain pesticides. Please advise. Thanks!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

The residual effects of sprays have most likely killed millions of bees worldwide. There are residual effects if plants are sprayed. I generally only use violas and other flowers from my own yard that I know have not been sprayed. The amount of residual spray may be small but it's up to you to decide the acceptable limits.

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